Оn the chair of Normal Anatomy was held a scientific and practical conference on the theme «Some questions of functional anatomy of the human musculoskeletal system» and which was attended by the students of 14-15-01 and 14-41 groups of the 1 course of the faculty of General Medicine. Organizers were the head of the department professor Dosayev T.M., professor Romaniuk S.N., assistant professor Shakenov B.S., senior tutor Baigamysova D.S. and the 41st group students KoskosidiNikoletta and SarniyazovaCarlygash .
The conference started from the opening speech of professor Dosayev dedicated to problems of the human musculoskeletal system of modern society. Professor revealed the causes of appearance such pathologies as arthritis and arthrosis.
During the discussion in the main part of the action participants of the conference read out informative reports on actual themes.
«Age-specific features of the structure of the skull bones and joints. Ossification centers» by Murat Asel and KabylbekUmit.
«Age-specific features of the hip joint. Dysplasia» by KurmashevRuslan and Chen Dmitry.
«Forms of the human chest.Physiological curves of the spine» by KilishevaAinur and SaulanGulnur.
«Age-specific and gender features of bones of the pelvis. Proportions of the female pelvis» by ZhakypAsel and BegatarAigerim.
«Foot arches» by KoskosidiNikoletta and ZhamyhankyzyAkerke.
Upon completion of the conference an interesting quizzing game in the form of competition between 2 teams, which were composed of people from the audience, was carried out. Teams were required to answer unordinary questions connected with the theme of the conference. But not only students were involved in the process of the game, but also all tutors took part in the discussion of the controversial questions and points.
The conference was held in three languages: Russian, Kazakh and English. All students showed a genuine interest, attention and really good knowledge of the subject. It was a great exchange of experience and also the beginning of new acquaintances and friends!
The whole action finished by sizing up, rewordings, receiving of sweet presents and photographs for a souvenir.
Anatomy is in our hearts!