Assimov Marat Abubakriyevich – Head of the department of communicative skills, psychotherapy principles, general and medical psychology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor.

On 24 December, 1994 at Almaty State Medical Institute was established the department of Psychology and Pedagogics.

The first head of the department of psychology and pedagogics was senior teacher. Satybaldina Maira Birlyanovna. In August 1995, the department of psychology and pedagogics, as the course became a part of the department of Kazakh language. Akyzhanova Akmarzhan Tasybekovna was appointed as the head of the department. Head of the course of psychology and pedagogics was assigned senior teacher Satybaldina Maira Birlyanovna. In August 1998, when at Kazakh State Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov was created a course of psychotherapy, psychology and pedagogics, responsible for the course has been appointed Doctor of Medical Sciences Dzhangildin Yuri Tangirovich. In July 2000, due to the operational needs the course of psychotherapy, psychology and pedagogics has been merged with the department of psychiatry.
In October 2001, due to the increase of the number of staff units of professorial -teacher’s staff on the cycle of general psychology and pedagogics, the course of psychology and pedagogics became an independent. The duties of the head.of the course of psychology and pedagogics laid upon senior teacher Satybaldina M.B.
In September 2002, a course of psychology and pedagogics was attached to the department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and addictions, head of the department became a professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nurmagambetova Saya Abilbekovna.
In August 2003 the head. of the course of psychology and pedagogics was appointed PhD Zhumabekova Sana Shalabayevna.
In the 2007 academic year under the department of psychiatry of KazNMU was organized a course of general and clinical psychology and communicative skills, the head of the course was appointed professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Assimov. M. A.
On 28 October 2008 the course of general and clinical psychology, psychotherapy and communicative skills was reorganized in department of communicative skills, psychotherapy principles, general and medical psychology by order of the rector of KazNMU professor. Akanov A.A.
Since that time, the department increases by young and talented doctors, psychologists and educators. Currently, at the department work the following specialists:prof. Doctor of Medical Sciences Shokareva Galina, Doctor of Medical Sciences Abdukarimov Khashim Khakimovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences Izatova Aigul Yesengeldiyevna, senior teacher Kozhamzharova Kulyash Omirzakovn,Mardanova Sholpan Saparovna, Yernazarova Saltanat Tulentaevna,Alibayeva Rauan Nurgalievna,Zhakanova Toty Amankasovna, teachers Shaikhina Erketay Tlektesovna, Kashaganova Kulzhamal Tugelbaevna, Absatarova Gulbanu PernekulovnaMadalieva Sanam Khakimovna, Pereborova Yulia Vladimirovna, Kudaibergenova Aizhan Zhakanbaevna, assistants of the department Doschanov Dauren Khizatovich, Yerdenbekova Anar Aidarovna, Aibasova Aigul Kayratovna, Dauletbakova Alma Shakirovna, senior laboratory assistant Mazarzhanova Zauresh Aitanovna, Asamadinova Gulnur Rashitovna.
On December 30, 2008 by the decision of the Academic Council of KazNMU (statement № 6) Department of communicative skills, psychotherapy principles, general and medical psychology is the department including theoretical and clinical disciplines.
The department of communicative skills, psychotherapy principles, general and medical psychology is based on the RSPC PPN, Scientific Center of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, National Center for Tuberculosis Problems, Kazakh Research Institute of Cardiology and internal diseases and the anatomy block: rooms № 20, 20/1, 20/2 20/3 20/4.
The students of the 1st , 2nd ,3rd ,4th courses of all faculties, medical interns, residents are trained at the department on the basics of psychology and communicative skills. Classes are conducted using interactive teaching methods: discussion, “brainstorming”, heuristic discussions, training sessions, using the elements of problem-based learning.
In 2008, for the first time in the former Soviet Union has been prepared and published a textbook on the new basic discipline “Communicative skills”. The authors of this textbook are professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Assimov M.A, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nurmagambetova S.A, Ph.D. Ignatiyev, Y.V.
In addition to academic work at the department is carried out is carried out a great scientific work. In 2004 to the 10th anniversary of the Department formation, was held the Republican scientific-practical conference on actual issues of psychology and pedagogics. In 2009 on the Day of the University it was organized International Scientific-practical conference, dedicated to the issues of the forming of healthy lifestyle. All teachers are actively involved in the creative scientific process.
The department staff effectively conducts educational work, many teachers are facilitators of student groups, conduct educational activities: thematic educational hours, go to the theater, museums.
Many teachers of the department are actively involved in improving of PTS of KazNMU. Department staff conducts a scientific and practical work referred to the professional orientation and professional adaptation of the students of KazNMU.