During the sequent years (from 1932 until 2012) organizators of the department, heads the department, professors, associate professors, senior teachers, teachers, laboratory assistants have worked and work to improve the department.
- Ramazanova Bakhyt Amanulovna
- Kotova Albina Leonovna
- Akyshbaeva Kulbarshin Sabirovna
- Urumbaeva Katira Umurzakovna
- Kudaybergenuly Kulakhmetov Kudaybergenovich
- Tabaeva Alia Abilovna
- Taurbaeva Nurgul Taurbaevna
- Shakiev Serik Shakievich
- Stamkulova Azhar Abdezovna
- Mustafina Kamila Kamalovna
- Bisekenova Akmaral Leskalievna
- Usmanov Munavar Vakkasovna
- Yusupov Rustam Rakhimovich
- Barmakova Almash Mansurovna
- Dzhusupgalieva Marziya Khakimovna
- Bekbolatova Kamila Askarovna
- Jumabaeva Saltanat Mukanovna
- Akhmetova Mayra Orynbaevna
- Myrzabekova Aygul Akylbekovna
- Handilla Zamzagul Myrzanovna
- Beysegulova Gulzhan Nurkapyzovna
- Musaeva Aizhan Ablaevna
- Chachizde Amina Alikovna
- Kasymbekova Inna Mikhaylovna
- Sobolev Alla Vasileva
- Tislova Olga Yegorovna
- Vlasova Valentina Alekseevna
- Nurlanova Zayna Nurlanovna
- Dinara Kurmanaeva
- Baymuratova Raya
Department of Microbiology, Virology, Immunology was established in 1932 on the basis of the Kazakh Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology. The founder and first head was Professor P.F.Belikov. In 1933-1937 Professor I.A.Sutin headed the department. Staff of the department consisted of four people. Students of medical faculty studied there. In 1938-1939 Acting Head of Department Professor N.A.Bulanov performed, and within eight years the department was headed by Professor E.I.Demihovsky (1939-1947). In subsequent years the heads of the department were Professor D.F.Tsimbalist (1948-1953), Associate Professor Y.S.Linetskaya (1953-1957), Professor E.I.Shtikkel (1957-1963). Professor K.A.Makirov was in charge in 1963-1986. In 1986-2001 head of department was MD Professor A.L.Kotova, under whose guidance were working 13 teachers, including 2 professors, 6 associate professors. 2 senior teachers. The department had a good training facilities, equipped with a thermostat, light microscopes, autoclaves, centrifuges. In each session students perform practical (laboratory) work. In 2001-2002 the head of department was MD, Associate Professor K.K.Kudaybergenuly. Since 2002 till the present the head of the department is MD, professor B.A.Ramazanova. The department currently employs 25 teachers: 6 professors, 7 associate professors, 1 senior lecturer, 9 teachers. The department is equipped with modern facilities, equipment, specialized laboratories were opened in ELISA (ИФА) and a contrasting phase-microscopy and computer class.
The department annually has won prizes in competitions in activity of professors and teachers conducted by the University . Microbiology is fundamental science, so studying it is mandatory for physicians of all specialties. Students of the 2nd and 6th courses.
Department staff has always carried a large research project, in particular, activities related to the problems of “Nosocomial infections”, “Pure Light”, “Diarrhoeal diseases”, “Health of the population.” 57 reserved candidate and doctoral dissertations, released monographs, 4 brochures and more than 20 training manuals (in Kazakh and Russian languages), 50 guidelines, eight collections of tests. Received six invention certificates, 20 certificates of rationalization proposals.
The department offers elective courses in all faculties KazNMU in Kazakh, Russian and English:
For the Faculty of Health-care business and public health
- “Microbiological diagnostics in medicine” – in English
- “Fundamentals of Clinical Microbiology” – in Kazakh, Russian languages
- “Principles of microbiological diagnosis of tuberculosis” – in Kazakh, Russian languages
- “Nosocomial infection” – in Kazakh, Russian languages
- ” Microbiological diagnostic of parasitoses” – in Kazakh language
For the Faculty of Nursing
- “Nosocomial infection” – in Kazakh, Russian languages
- “Fundamentals of clinical Microbiology” – in Kazakh language
- “Fundamentals of nosocomial infection” – in Russian language
- “Fundamentals of Clinical Microbiology” – in Russian language
- “Fundamentals of nosocomial infections” – in Russian language
For the Faculty of General Medicine
- “Microbiological diagnostic of parasitoses” – in Kazakh, Russian languages
All the year of study at the Department works the Science student group work (НСК), at which meetings students discuss the latest achievements of Microbiology and perform researches. Members of the SSG (НСК), the Department took prizes in the university and international conferences.
For 20 years, members of the department hold thematic conferences devoted to the fight against HIV infection on tuberculosis and bioterrorism. The department is constantly conducting among students work on a variety of worldview, professional and patriotic education (holding celebrations dedicated to the Independence Day of RK, the New Year, Nauryz, medical professionals, meetings with scientists, artists, writers, museums, theaters, holding debates, round tables and etc.)
Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology is one of the structural units KazNMU, which employs highly qualified specialists, whose main activity is the preparation of educational and literacy specialists. Department exists 80 years, and its development is positive and constructive. It is a living organism, growing, evolving, responding to the processes occurring at the university, society and state.

Ramazanova Bakhyt Amanullovna – born in 1958, Kazakh, MD, professor, the head of Department of microbiology, virology and immunology. She graduated in 1982 Medical Faculty of ASMI. Worked Emergency Care Hospital as a senior laboratory assistant with higher education, junior Department of Microbiology SRIEMID (НИИЭМИБ). Since 1991 Assistant Professor, since 1997 – Associate Professor, since 1999 – doctoral student in microbiology KazSMU. From 2002 to the present time is the head. Department of microbiology, virology and immunology. Thesis “The properties of enterotoxigenic staphylococcus and their prevalence” (PhD supervisor, Professor Beylbaeva M. L.). Subject of her doctoral dissertation, “The State of the microflora of nonspecific resistance of the genital tract of women using contraceptives and possible ways of correction” ( Scientific Adviser Professor Kotova A. L.). In 2005 she received the title of “professor of medicine.” On more than one passed enhancements to PPP (TU of Clinical Microbiology (2 times, the author attended a course on “Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of educational measurement,” Professor Avanesova V. S. (2004), English language courses with the right teaching of Microbiology (2005). Total English – Courses English program Longman; credit-modular system of organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies of Learning, 2008; held training program “Management Research” from October 15 to November 16, 2007 in Richmond (USA), Virginia Commonwealth University , “Innovative Technologies in Medical Education” -2008; various specialized courses and seminars on the microbiology laboratory diagnostic methods, etc.; Workshop “Basic of Leadership” -2008; full computer literacy course, 2008). She was substitute Chairman of the specialized union for doctoral dissertations. In 09.01.01 criticizes, opposes, provides external reviews of candidate and doctoral dissertations of scientists from the CIS countries. Under her leadership 2 doctors, 3 dissertations were approved. Ramazanova B. A. has published over 150 scientific papers, two certificates of authorship, 2 monographs, wrote the first textbook “Medicine Microbiology” in the Kazakh language for the medical students of all disciplines and approved by MES, all model programs in microbiology for a variety of specialties.
Full member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID); Member of the Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (IACMAC) Member of the International Association for the House. Priority research – the normal microflora of the human body, the biological properties of microorganisms (persistence factors), the issues of clinical microbiology, mycology.
Photo gallery about department and it’s staff, also photos of different coferentions and etc.
The department of Microbiology has long formed a good tradition to celebrate the state and national holidays, as well as significant events in the life department staff by having cheerful burst of tea.
As a rule, in addition to the traditional Christmas trees to New Year, gifts and flowers to pretty women on 8 March, in the evening individual and collective performance is prepared : mini-plays, funny scenes from the life of the department and its employees, singing songs, medleys, read poems, written by staff specifically for this event.
Address location of the department: Almaty, St. Tole bi 92.
Contact numbers: 292-50-25. The inner line: 165.
email: [email protected]