Hamzin A., Inozemtseva N.I. Atlas of radiological diagnostics: norms and pathologies of the mammary glands. — Almaty, 2010. — 88 pages.
Khusnutdinova G.I., Zholdybay Z.Z. “Radiological diagnostics of bone tumors”. – A monograph in three languages, Almaty, 2009. — 77 pages.
Early diagnosis of breast cancer at the primary healthcare level. Mammographic screening. Almaty, 2012. – 60 pages. (Ed. Nurgaziev K.Sh. Authors: Zholdybay Z.Z., Zhylkaidarova A.Zh., Zhakenova Zh.K., Tkacheva A.M., Baipaisov D.M., Esentaeva S.E., Inozemtseva N.I.).
Guide to screening target groups of women for early detection of breast cancer and ensuring its quality. Almaty, 2012. – 119 pages. (Ed. Nurgaziev K.Sh. Authors: Zholdybay Z.Z., Zhylkaidarova A.Zh., Zhakenova Zh.K., Tkacheva A.M., Hamzin A.Kh., Talayeva Sh.Zh., Sokolenko E.G., Baipaisov D.M.).
Hamzin A.Kh., Argymbaeva M.M., Tokmoldaeva G.N. “Radiological diagnostic methods and radiological anatomy of the urinary and reproductive organs”. Electronic textbook (CD educational material). — Almaty, 2014. — 38 pages.
Zholdybay Z.Z., Tsoi I. Educational guide on radiological diagnostics of breast diseases. — Almaty, 2014.
Zholdybay Z.Z., Kasymbekova G.D., Amanukulova Zh.B. “Radiological diagnostics of breast diseases”. — A monograph in three languages. — Almaty, 2014. – 230 pages.