Currently department teaches basic and elective disciplines:
- Bachelor’s (5 grade) – specialty 5B051301 “General Medicine”.
- Internship: specialty 5B051301 “General Medicine”, the direction of preparation “Pediatrics.” (6 grade), the discipline “Emergency First Aid in Pediatrics”.
- Residency: specialty 6R114200 “Pediatrics”.
Classes are conducted in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages at 8 polyclinic bases of the department, RCCH “Aksay”, “Center for Perinatology and Cardiac Surgery”. To achieve the Mission of the University, the department conducts a large educational and methodical work, ensuring the conduct of the educational process at a high level, new educational technologies are actively introduced.
The educational program for the specialty “General Medicine” was developed in accordance with the state standard of education – 2017 for bachelor’s degree. Syllabus for the discipline “Fundamentals of General Practice” was compiled on the basis of an educational program.
The educational program for internship of the specialty “General Medicine”, the direction of preparation “Pediatrics” was developed in accordance with the state educational standard of – 2017. Syllabus in the discipline “Emergency First Aid” was compiled on the basis of an educational program on the internship of the specialty “General Medicine”, the direction of preparation “Pediatrics”.
Educational program for the residency in the specialty “Pediatrics”, developed in accordance with the state standard of education – 2015. The syllabus for the discipline “Out-patient polyclinic pediatrics” was compiled on the basis of the educational program for the residency in the specialty “Pediatrics”.
Innovative methods of teaching at the department are developed.