In all disciplines, there are the EMCDs considered at the sessions of the department and approved at the meetings of the CEP and the Methodological Council of the University. Work programs, methodological instructions and developments are made taking into account 5 types of students’ competencies (knowledge, skills, self-development, communication skills and health advocate). Each lesson has a presentation in the Power Point program in both the state and Russian languages. Use training videos, animations on the topics of classes and information blocks on electronic media. There is also sufficient visual material in the form of tables, algorithms, schemes. In conducting practical exercises, innovative teaching technologies were used: role games, situational tasks (case studies), group discussions, training in small groups ensuring maximum approximation to the real professional situation and allowing to form the professional competence of each student. Professor Rysuly M.R., an independent expert in the field of clinical laboratory diagnostics of the Ministry of Health of the RK, the president of the CAMLD RK, participated in the work on the review of the professional standard in the specialty “clinical laboratory diagnostics”, under his guidance and personal participation, working programs (syllabuses) “Clinical laboratory diagnostics” in the areas of training: surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal diseases, DGP and dentistry.
Developed and approved at the department meeting test tasks for MSQ for the 6th course in Russian and in Kazakh languages. During the reporting period, the staff of the department made sanitary bulletins and information stands on the clinical bases and the main base of the department for training (timetables, thematic plans, schedule of workings), methodical, educational, scientific, including research papers, stands with state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, achievements of laboratory service.
FIQ in KAZMUNO for communicative skills passed prof. Rysuly M.R. Assistants of the Chair Shaikenova LB, Duisenbaeva A.Zh., Sadvakas A.S.
According to the State Program “Densaulyk” for 2016-2019 at the level of FMSH, doctors, nurses and paramedics should conduct diagnostics of endocrine, cardiovascular, oncological and infectious diseases using the methodology of GROWTH (rapid tests), as well as participate in the diagnostic parts of screening programs. In this regard, future GP specialists should obtain a basic knowledge of clinical laboratory diagnosis, taking into account the characteristics and characteristics of diagnostic methods of ROST-diagnostics and diagnostic methods used in screening diseases.