Department Staff

Head of the Department of Biochemistry: SHARIPOV KAMALIDIN ORYNBAEVICH

Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor in the specialty “Biochemistry”.

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061). +7 701 616 54 52

Email address: [email protected] , Sharipov.k@kaznmu .kz

Education: Higher.

Almaty State Medical Institute (now Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, specialty “Pharmacy”.

Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, specialty “Management of economics and business”

Scientific activity:

1) “The use of OMICS technologies to assess the risks of microelementosis”.

2) “Study of the non-coding part of the human genome, its relationship with the thermal conductivity of the body and sex control”

Scientific publications:

  1. Шарипова К.О., Есимжан А., Байбулова М.С. Оқу қуралы «Энзимология негіздері» Қарағанды, 2017. – 148 с. ISBN 978-601-246-539-6.
  2. Шарипова К.О., Есимжан А., Байбулова М.С. Учебное пособие «Основы энзимологии» Караганда, 2017. – 147 с. ISBN 978-601-246-539-6.
  3. Sharipov K.O.,  Bulygin K.A.Tutorial «Biochemistry of nervous tissue»  Almaty, 2015. – 88 с.  ISBN 978-601-246-536-5.
  4. Kewal K. Jain, Sharipov K.K. Учебник «Основы персонализированной медицины»        Москва: Издательство «Литерра», 2020 г. – 576 с.
  5. Belkozhayev AM, Al-Yozbaki M, George A, Ye Niyazova R, Byrne LJ, Wilson CM. // Extracellular Vesicles, Stem Cells and the Role of miRNAs in Neurodegeneration. Curr Neuropharmacol. – 2022. – 20(8). – P. 1450-1478. doi: 10.2174/1570159X19666210817150141 (WoS IF 7.708, JCR Q1, Scopus CiteScore percentile = 96).
  6. Belkozhayev A, Niyazova R, Wilson C, Jainakbayev N, Pyrkova A, Ashirbekov Y, Akimniyazova A, Ivashchenko A. / Bioinformatics Analysis of the Interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with Human mRNA Genes Having di- and Trinucleotide Repeats.Genes. 2022; 13(5):800. doi: 10.3390/genes13050800 (WoS IF 4.096, JCR Q2, Scopus CiteScore percentile = 70).
  7. Ashirbekov Y., Abaildayev A., Satken K., Balmukhanova A., Akanov Z., Jainakbayev N., Balmukhanova A. ITGA2 Gene Polymorphism Is Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Kazakhstan Population. Medicina 2022, 58, 1416.  (WoS IF 2.948, JCR Q3, Scopus CiteScore percentile = 70).
  8. Ashirbekov Y., Sabitov Z., Aidarov B., Abaildayev A., Junissova Z., Cherusheva A., Saidamarova V.V., Ramankulov Y., Zhabagin, M. Genetic Polymorphism of 27 Y-STR Loci in the Western Kazakh Tribes from Kazakhstan and Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. Genes 2022, 13, 1826. doi:10.3390/genes13101826 (WoS IF 4.096, JCR Q2, Scopus CiteScore percentile = 70).
  9. Zhigailov A.V., Nizkorodova A.S., Polimbetova N.S., Iskakov B.K. Glyphosate treatment mediates the accumulation of small discrete 5′- and 3′-terminal fragments of 18S rRNA in plant cells. Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции. 2023;27(2):93-98 doi: 10.18699/VJGB-23-13
  10. Arykbayeva A.B., Ustenova G.O., Beissebayeva U.T., Kaukhova I.E., Myrzabayeva A., Gemejiyeva N.G. Determination of Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the CO2 Extract of Eryngium planum L. International Journal of Biomaterials. Volume 2023, Article ID 4702607, 11 pages

Spoiler title

Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor in the specialty “Medicine”.

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7056).

Cell. tel.: +7 701 614 55 33

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: higher.

Tomsk Medical Institute (now Siberian State Medical University).

Deputy head of the Department of Biochemistry.

Member of the COP of the Faculty of General Medicine.

Scientific activity: Supervises the topic of the student’s research work “Biochemical foundations of pathological processes”

Scientific publications:

  1. «Effective management of medical schools as a factor in the preparation of competitive medical personnel» Scientific Journal of the modern education & research institute. Special edition.15 February 2018, Brussels, Belgium, p.47.
  2. «Формативная оценка практических занятий в интерактивном режиме», Вестник КазНМУ, №4, 2020, стр. 520-525
  3. «Therapeutic and cosmetic products based on silver nanoparticles» Материалы 1-го Международного форума «Asfen.Forum, новое поколение – 2023». – Алматы: КазНМУ, 2023.- С.55.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:YERZHANOVA SARA SAID-ALIEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7056).

Cell. tel.: +7 701 364 99 21

Email address: [email protected]

Education: higher

Graduate of the Pediatric Faculty of ASMI (now Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov),

Responsible for the anti-corruption work of the department

  1. Scientific publications:Мухамеджанов Э.К., Ерджанова С .С.Неинфекционные заболевания – причина развития, пути профилактики и лечения VII-я Российская научно-практическая конференция «Здоровье человека в XXI веке», сборник научных статей Казань 3-4 апреля 2015 г с.874-879
  2. Влияние энергетических напитков на некоторые биохимические показатели крови Материалы международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых и студентов «Наука и медицина; Современный взгляд молодежи», посвященной 85-летию КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова г. Алматы, 23-24 апреля,  2015 г. –с.378-379. Руководство НИР студентов; Ускенбаева А.А., Кисикова К.Т.-ОМ,  4 курс
  3. Мухамеджанов Э.К., Есырев О.В., Ерджанова С.С. Диабет – трансляционные нарушения белкового обмена / VIII Московский международный конгресс «Биотехнология: состояние и перспективы развития» 17-20 марта 2015 г. секция – биотехнология и медицина.- с.41
  4. Мухамеджанов Э.К., Есырев О.В., Ерджанова С.С. Диабет – трансляционные нарушения белкового обмена / VII Всероссийский диабетологический конгресс «Сахарный диабет в XXI веке – время объединения усилий» Сборник тезисов 25-27 февраля 2015 г. Москва. – с. 60-61Ерджанова С.С., Майдан Айман-ОМ, 2 курс Obesity – a new view of the disease,s causes, ways of prevention and treatment / “The Fourth International Conferens on Biology and Medical Sciences” 13 th January 2015 p.189-193.

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:YESIMZHAN ALTYN YESIMZHANOVNA

Since 1974, he has been working at KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov.

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Contacts: +7-702-216-86 69

Email: [email protected]

Education: Higher education — Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Chemistry, specialty – chemistry of rare elements.

Published the manual «Основы энзимологии»-2015.

Тест тапсырмаларын құрастырудың жаңа әдістері  // Үздіксіз экономикалық білім беру: оқытуды және әдістемелік қамтамасыз етуді модернизациялау 22-23 қаңтар 2015ж. Алматы, 2015.

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:BAIBULOVA MAYRA SAGIEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Contacts: cell. +7 777 344 17 80

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: higher.

Kirov Kazakh State University (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU),

Full-time postgraduate study in Chemistry (1985-1988)

Scientific activity:

“Synthesis and research of heterochain polymers based on triazine monomers”

Scientific publications:

  1. Закономерности распространения микроэлементов в почве и растениях на территории Семипалатинского испытательного ядерного полигона – Одесса,2014г.
  2. Энзимология негіздері–учебное пособие-Алматы,2015
  3. Микроэлементный состав почвы в зависимости от техногенных влияний – Сочи,2015

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry: OMIRZAKOVA KULSHAT KALIBEKOVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Cell. Tel.: +87771332811

E-mail: О[email protected]

Education: higher.

Graduate of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU)

Total experience: 35 years

Scientific interests:

Supervises the topic of the research Institute "Lipidter almasy".

Responsible for teaching biochemistry in the specialty "Dentistry"

In 2006, she was awarded the badge "Ibraya Altynsarina" by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2019, she was awarded an honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2022, she was awarded "Densaulyk saktau isinin uzdigi".

Scientific publications:

  1. «Полиязычное образование как фактор подготовки конкурентноспособных медицинских специалистов» Вестник КазНПУ №2, 2016
  2. «Сравнение эффективности интерактивных и традиционных методов обучения» — Высшее образование сегодня. №11, 2014, стр.33-38

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:KIRGHIZBAEVA ARAI ASKANBAEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Contacts: cell. +7 701 731 17 75

E-mail: [email protected]


Higher education (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)

Full-time postgraduate study in the specialty “Biochemistry” (KazNMU named after S.Zh.Asfendiyarov)

Work experience in KazNMU is 28 years

Scientific activity: Supervises the topic of Research and Development: “Determination of biochemical indicators of old age”

Scientific interests: Biochemistry, soil and plant hygiene


Scientific publications:

  1. The maintenance of trace elements in the soils and plants growing in the territory of the former semipalatinsk proving nuclear polygon (Kazakhstan) FESTEM International Conference in Avignon (France) May 22-23,2013 Sharipov K.O., Pleshkova S.M., Kirgizbayeva A.A,  Muchamadieva  E.O.
  2. Индивидуальный элементный статус как часть персонализированной медицины // Шарипов К.О., Булыгин К.А., Киргизбаева А.А.// Журнал «Здоровье семьи – XXI века, спецвыпуск,  стр. 384-389. (IF 0,63).
  3. Содержание микроэлементов и тяжелых металлов в почвах  некоторых районов Казахстана в зависимости от органического состава и типа почвы // Плешкова С.М., Шарипов К.О., Киргизбаева А.А.//Журнал «Микроэлементы в медицине» Москва 2013.-14(1)-с.20-21 (IF 0,1)

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry: ZHETPISBAY DINARA SHAKIROVNA

Since 2000 he has been working at Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. Responsible for scheduling classes. Responsible for teaching biochemistry in the specialties “Medicine”, “Pediatrics” (Kazakh, Russian) .

From the 2020-2021 academic year Member of the Quality Assurance Committee of the School of General Medicine-1.

Work phone: +7 727 338 70 90 (ішкі 7061).

Mobile: +7 707 170 6741

Email:  [email protected]


Higher education: Almaty State University named after Abay (now the Kazakh National Pedagogical University), Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty chemistry-biology (1996-2001). Full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Chemistry of KazNPU named after Abay (1996-2001).

Scientific activity: “Pollution of water and bottom sediments of the Syrdarya River with heavy metals”

Scientific publications:

  1. Recent Advances in the Synthesis and Applications of m-Aryloxy Phenols /Dinara Amankulova, Gulzat Berganayeva, Bates Kudaibergenova, Dinara Zhetpisbay, Ayshagul Sharipova, Moldyr Dyusebaeva //Molecules 2023, 28, 2657., процентил > 25
  2. Гепатокарцинома-29 (ГК-29) жасушаларының литий әсерінен құрылымдық және функционалдық өзгерістері. Досымбекова Р.С., Омирзакова К.К., Бахбаева С.А., Рахметова А.М., Жетписбай Д.Ш. //Материалы 1-го Международного форума «Asfen.Forum,новое поколение-2023».- Алматы: КазНМУ. 2023.-8с., 05-06.07.2023г.
  3. Kurganbekov, Aspondiyar A. Utebayev, Vladimir N. Domatskiy, Zhazira S. Mukataeva, Dinara Sh. Zhetpisbay Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soil and Cultivated Crops /Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 2021. 9 (4) p. 391-402

Methodical work:

  1. Compiler of a syllabus for 2nd year students in the specialties “Medicine” , “Pediatrics”.
  2. Act of implementation on the topic: “Metabolism of conjugated proteins” ( Zhetpisbay D.Sh., Baibulova M.S., Mukhamadieva E.O.) CEP OM Protocol No. 9 of 06/12/2023.
  3. Author of the textbook “Жеке тіндер биохимиясы”.

Spoiler title

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Cell tel.:+7 705 279 34 12

E-mail: [email protected]


Higher medical education, pediatrician, ASMI (1990-1996)

Full-time postgraduate study in the specialty “Biochemistry” (1996-1999)

Responsible for teaching students in English, co-author of syllabus for SHOM Biochemistry-2, for trilingualism and innovative methods in teaching. He directs the topic of the scientific circle “Biochemistry of alcoholism and drug addiction”, “Biochemistry of blood circulation and respiration”. Member of the KOP SHOM RG Innovations in Teaching

Scientific activity:

  1. The effect of various types of low-intensity laser radiation on the lipid composition of organs and tissues in the experiment
  2. Comparative study of the effectiveness of various methods of teaching biochemistry
  3. Alcohol metabolism and the opiate system of the body
  4. Trilingualism and professional languages in the doctor’s training system and in the biochemistry course
  5. “Examination of educational programs and the theory of creating quantized materials and tasks in a test form of various types”

Scientific publications:

«Применение IELTS технологии в обучении профессиональным языкам» — Вестник КазНМУ, Алматы, № 3, 2015, С.395-396.

«Сравнение эффективности интерактивных и традиционных методов обучения» — Высшее образование сегодня. №11, 2014, стр.33-38.

«Преподавание экологической биохимии на медико-профилактическом факультете» Вестник КазНМУ. №3 (3), 2013, стр.93-97

Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, RhD: DOSYMBEKOVA RAUSHAN SARSENBAYEVNA

Total experience of 27 years

Responsible for the scientific work of the department, teaching biochemistry for the specialty “Nursing”, “Medical and preventive care” (k/o, r/o).

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Contacts: +7 747 241 58 25

E—mail: [email protected]


Higher pedagogical: Abai Almaty State University (now Kazakh National Pedagogical University) Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty Chemistry-Biology (1996-2001). Master of Biological Sciences (2011-2013).

Scientific activity: “Diagnostics of mineral metabolism disorders based on the elemental composition of hair (on the example of the Faculty of KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov)”

Scientific publications:

1.Effect of lithium carbonate on autophagy and proliferative activity of isolated hepatocytes Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 528 (2020) pp. 343-346

DOI information: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.03.057

  1. The role of omiks technology in the formation of the concept of personalized medicine and some results of a study of «Metallom» Scientific Journal of the Modern Education & Research Institute.The King’s Day Brussels,Belgium. November 15, 2017.– pp. 34-37
  1. Cellular heterogeneity and autophagy in the hepatocarcinoma population-29//Bulletin of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. Series “Medical Sciences”,XIV Eurasian Symposium “Problems of sanogenic and pathogenic effects of endo- and exoecological effects on the internal environment of the body”. – Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Vol. 18, No. 9, 2018.– pp. 117-120.
  2. Lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis in experimental hepatocarcinoma-29//XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Lymphology: from basic research to medical technologies”. – Novosibirsk NIIKEL-branch of ICiG SB RAS, 2018. – pp. 70-71.
  1. Structural organization of the nephron in conditions of distant tumor growth //XIII International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists. “Morphological sciences are the fundamental basis of medicine.” – Novosibirsk: 2018. – pp. 179-182.
  2. Hepatocarcinoma-29 zhasushalaryndagi heterogendilik zhane basaldy autophagy. KazGU, Biology series, No.1(78) 2019 – pp. 140-150
  1. The effect of lithium carbonate on the ultrastructural organization of hepatocarcinoma-29 cells in the dynamics of cultivation. KazGU, Biology series, No. 3, 2019– pp. 96-104.
  2. Structural and functional changes of hepatocarcinoma-29 cells under the influence of lithium.// International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists. “Fundamental research and innovation in molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry”.–Almaty, November 28-29, 2019. – p. 53
  3. Okshaulangan hepatocytterdin zhasushalyk homeostasis saktauda autophagyanyn roli, Bulletin of KarSU, biology series, No.2 (98)/2020, pp. 90-96
  4. The effect of lithium carbonate on the cell cycle, apoptosis and autophagy of hepatocellular carcinoma cells-29 in vitro. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, vol.170, No. 8, 2020–pp. 221-226.

Lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry: MUKHAMADIEVA ELIZAVETA OLIMDZHONOVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Contacts: +7 747 134 28 03

Email: [email protected]

Education: graduate of the Pediatric Faculty of ASMI (now Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov).

She also graduated from the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan (Kazumoimya) with a degree in English translator.

Scientific publications:

  1. Мухамадиева Е.О. Состояние тиреоидной функции и изменения в сис­теме цикла Кребса у новорожденных города Алматы // «Вопросы диагностики, профилактики и лечения эндокринной патологии»: сборник тезисов международной конференции, (г. Казань, 20.11 2014 г.). — Казань, 2014.
  2. Мухамадиева Е.О. Хронический йодный дефицит // «Вопросы диагно­стики, профилактики и лечения эндокринной патологии»: Сборник тезисов международной конференции, (г. Казань, 20.11 2014 г.). — Казань, 2014.

Lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry: KALIYEVA ASSEM MUKHTARKHANOVNA

Graduate of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU)

Work phone number:  +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Contacts: mob. +7 701 0862

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: higher

Al-Farabi Kazakh national university

General scientific and pedagogical experience of 18 years

Scientific internships abroad:

Milan Polytechnic University (Milan, Italy).

Scientific activity: 

The field of scientific research is related to the study of the physico-chemical properties of various inorganic and organic gels, composite materials of medical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Scientific publications:

  1. Mofa N.N., Kaliyeva A.M., Chernoglazova T.V., Shabanova T.A., Sabaev Zh.Zh., Sadykov B.S., Oserov T.B., Vasin K.A., Mansurov Z.A. Method of obtaining and modifying highly dispersed silica for pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations //Bulletin of KazNU, chemical series, -2015. -№4(80). – С.20-28. (in Russ) DOI:
  2. Mofa N.N., Shabanova Т.А., Кaliyeva А.М. Sabayev Zh. Zh., Sadykov B.S., Mansurov Z.A. Mechanochemical treatment and production of nanocomposite mixtures based on silicon dioxide // Materials of the IX International Conference “Efficient Use of Resources and Environmental Protection – key issues of mining and Metallurgical complex development” and the XII International Scientific Conference “Advanced Technologies, Equipment and Analytical Systems for Materials Science and Nanomaterials”. May 20-23, Ust-Kamenogorsk.– 2015.- С. 298-304. (in Eng)
  3. Sabayev Zh.Zh., Kaliyeva A., Oserov T.B., Mofa N.N., Chernoglazova T.V., Mansurov Z.A. Ultrasonic processing is an effective way to regulate the structure and stabilize the physicochemical characteristics of colloidal nanostructured systems. Kazakhstan Science News, №3 (2016.), -С. 120-131. (in Russ)
  4. Kaliyeva A.M., Mofa N.N., Mansurov Z.A., Zhalenova A., Najipkyzy M. Nanoscale carriers used in the technology of cosmetic creams and soft dosage forms (review) // Industry of Kazakhstan. -2016. – №3(96). – С.81-86. (in Russ)
  5. Zh.Zh. Sabayev, A.M. Kaliyeva, T.B. Oserov, A.T. Zhalenova, M. Najipkyzy, N.N. Mofa, T.V. Chernoglazova, Z.A. Mansurov. Ultrasonic treatment of colloidal systems is a method for obtaining and regulating the properties of fine mixtures // Izvestiya NAN RK. Chemical Series. -2016. Т. 1, №415. – С.79-86. (in Russ)
  6. M. Kaliyeva, Z.Z. Sabayev, N.N.Mofa, Z.A. Mansurov. Developing nanocomposite materials in cosmetic directions, with nanoparticles of silver, obtained by the reduction glucose / The 8 th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems (INESS-2016, Institute of Batteries LLP, Nazarbayev University, National Laboratory Astana, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System), August 11-13, 2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan. (in Eng)
  7. Amzeeva U.M., Kaliyeva A.M., Beketova K.S., Golovchenko O.Yu. The effectiveness of therapeutic dressings in the treatment of burns of experimental animals // Republican Conference “Science and Business”, 22/05/2019, -C.29-30. (in Russ)
  8. Kaliyeva A., Tleuberdi E. Obtaining an exothermic composite using nanostructured metallic aluminum // chemical Journal Kazakhstan, -2020. No. 3 (71). – Pp. 181-188. (in Kaz)
  9. Kaliyeva, Ye. Tileuberdi, L. Galfetti, Ye. Ongarbayev. Effect of mechanical activation on the reactivity of composites for flameless heaters // The Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 22 (2020), 141‒147p. (in Eng)
  10. Kaliyeva A.M., Berillo D.A., Zhakypbekova S.S., Kirgizbaeva A.A., Kurmangali A.D. Therapeutic and cosmetic products based on silver nanoparticles// Materials of 1st International Forum «Asfen.Forum, new generation – 2023». – Almaty: KazNMU, 2023.- 568 p. (in Eng)


  1. Innovative patent No. 18205 Republic of Kazakhstan Method for extracting gold ions from industrial wastewater / Ospanova A.K., Seilkhanova G.A., Kaliyeva A.M., Amirgalieva T.M. Publ.15.01.2007. МПК: B01J 39/04C22B 11/00.
  2. Innovative patent No. 20214 Republic of Kazakhstan Method for extracting silver ions from wastewater / Ospanov H.K., Amirgalieva T.M., Ospanova A.K., Kaliyeva A.M., Seilkhanova G.A. Publ. 17.11.2008.
  3. Patent for utility model No. 1652 of the Republic of Kazakhstan Method of obtaining the basis of a therapeutic and cosmetic product / Mansurov Z.A., Mofa N.N., Chernoglazova T.V., Kaliyeva A.M., Oserov T.B., Sabayev Zh.Zh., Sadykov B.S. Publ. 15.09.2016.
  4. Patent for utility model No. 2299 of the Republic Kazakhstan Method for obtaining nanostructured thixotropic inorganic gels/ Mansurov Z.A., Mofa N.N., Chernoglazova T.V., Kaliyeva A.M., Oserov T.B., Sabayev Zh.Zh., Sadykov B.S. Publ. 03.08.2016.

PhD, Lecturer Department of Biochemistry: INNABAT A. SARTBAYEVA


Al-Farabi  Kazakh National University, Faculty of biology and biotechnology

Specialty: 6D060700 – Biology – PhD, 2017

Specialty: Biology – Master, 2005

Specialty: Biology – Bachelor, 2003

Responsible for the department’s documentation and management and quality system.

Work tel: +7 727 380 70 90

Tel: +7 777 840 97 07

e-mail: [email protected]

Research Interests and Achievements: Biotechnology of creating the perspective glutinous lines of rice for use in the breeding.

Author of the 35 publications, among them 6 articles and 1 thesis are included into the database of Thomson Reuters and Scopus. Received 3 innovative patents.

  1. Obtaining of Doubled Haploid Lines for Selection of Glutinous Rice | Получение дигаплоидных линий для селекции глютинозного риса. Sartbaeva, I.A., Usenbekov, B.N., Rysbekova, A.B., …Akhmetova, D.S., Meldebekova, A.A. Biotekhnologiya, 2018, 34(2), страницы 26–36.
  2. Haplotype analysis of Wx and Alk genes and amylopectin chain-length distribution among Kazakhstan glutinous rice lines. Sartbayeva I., Usenbekov B., Rysbekova A., Kazkeyev D., Zhanbyrbayev Y., Batayeva D., Berkimbay Kh., Zhambakin K., Matsuba Sh., Umemoto T., Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 2017, 51(2), страницы 147–153.
  3. Estimation and selection of parental forms for breeding Kazakhstan salt tolerant rice varieties. D.S. Batayeva, B.N. Usenbekov, A.B. Rysbekova, Zh.M. Mukhina, D.T. Kazkeyev, Ye.A. Zhanbyrbayev, I.A. Sartbayeva, S.V. Garkusha, S.A. Volkova Sel’skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya, 2017, 52(3), страницы 544–55.
  4. Prebreeding selection of rice with colored pericarp based on genotyping Rc and Pb genes. A. B. Rysbekova, D. T. Kazkeyev, B. N. Usenbekov, Zh. M. Mukhina, E. A. Zhanbyrbaev, I. A. Sartbaeva, K. Zh. Zhambakin, Kh. A. Berkimbay & D. S. Batayeva Russian Journal of Genetics, 2017, 53(1), страницы 49–58.
  5. Electrophoretic analysis of seed proteins of rice varieties. Sartbayeva, I.A., Usenbekov, B.N., Rysbekova, A.B., …Berkimbay, H.A., Zhambakin, K.Zh. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 2016, 13(4), страницы 1953–1958.
  6. Screening rice (Oryza sativa l.) genetic resources for cold tolerance at the germination stage. Zhanbyrbayev, E.A., Rysbekova, A.B., Usenbekov, B.N., Kazkeev D. T., Sartbayeva I. A., Berkimbay Kh. A., Sarsenbayev B. A. and Zelensky G. L. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 2016, 13(4), страницы 1969–1973.

Lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry PhD: YERBOLOVA LAURA SERIKKANOVNA

Work phone number: +7 727 338 70 90 (вн. 7056).

Mobile number: +7 701 6266761

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: higher.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty.

Scientific activity:

The executor of the scientific project AR09259392 “Resistant to Erwinia amylovora genotypes of Malus sieversii” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after M.A. Aitkhozhin, Almaty.

Scientific publications:

  1. Syrlybay GK, Kampitova GA, Yerbolova LS. Adaptation of the In vitro obtained blackberry plants to ex vitro conditions// Поиск, №1(1)/2019. – С. 178-184.
  2. Петров Е.П., Петров С.Е., Джумадилова Г.Б., Ерболова Л.С. Сортоиспытание моркови. Матер V межд. науч.-практ. конф. “Основные, малораспространенные и нетрадиционные виды растений – от изучения к внедрению” (11 марта 2021 г, с. Круты, Украина). – Круты, 2021, т. 1. – С. 93-96.
  3. Ерболова Л.С., Байжуманова С.С., Рахатқызы А., Аубакирова К.П., Бақытжанова Ж.Н., Казыбаева С.Ж., Кадирсизова Ж.К., Галиакпаров Н.Н. Эффективное клональное микроразмножение Malus sieversii из семян. Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology. №2, 2023. – C. 20-28.

Spoiler title

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Cell. tel.: +7 707 234 00 60

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: higher.

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, specialty “Chemistry and Biology”.

Responsible for AIS KazNMU, for electronic survey of the department.

Scientific publications:

  1. Шарипов К.О., Мухамадиева Е.О., Петрова Г.И.., Яхин Р.Ф. «Состояние тиреоидной функции и изменения в системе цикла Кребса у новорожденных города Алматы», МЗ Украины, Украинский научно-исследовательский институт медицины транспорта, Южный научный центр НАН и МОН Украины, Материалы международной научно-практической конференции: «Микроэлементы в медицине, ветеринарии, питании: перспективы сотрудничества и развития». Сборник тезисов докладов, Одесса, 24-26 сентября 2014 года.
  2. Шарипов К.О., Жетписбай Д.Ш., Яхин Р.Ф., Авраменко А.А., Шухтина И.Н., Шухтин В.В. «Частота выявления хронического неатрофического гастрита у больных, страдающих хроническим запором» МЗСР РК,  КазНМУ имени С.Д.Асфендиярова, научно-практический журнал Вестник КазНМУ № 4 – 2015 год.
  3. Шарипов К.О., Омирзакова К.К., Мусаев А.Т., Яхин Р.Ф. «Трехъязычное образование  как фактор  повышения конкурентоспособности специалистов и развития человеческого капитала» ООО «Уральские региональный центр питания», Здоровье семьи – XXI век, Материалы XIX Международной научной конференции, 27 апреля – 3 мая 2016 года, Россия, город Ялта.

Assistant at the department of biochemistry: ALMASBEKOVA ADINA ASHIRKHANOVNA

Master of biological sciences

Work phone: +7 727 338 70 (ext. 7061).

Cell. Tel.: +7 776 109 22 25

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education.

2011-2015 al-Farabi Kazakh National University, faculty of biology, specialty: 5B060700 – “biology”

2016-2018 al-Farabi Kazakh National University, faculty of biology, specialty: 6M011300 – “biology”, master’s degree

Responsible for the protocol of the department of biochemistry, moodle

Scientific publications:

  1. Study of psychophysiological indicators of students in the process of adaptation to the educational process. Vestnik of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, biological series, No. 1(74). Almaty, “Kazakh University”, 2018.
  2. Study of new synthesized piperazine-containing compounds for the ability to stimulate leukopoiesis, microbicidal and adhesive activity of granulocytes  2023 VIII International Symposium on Energy Science and Chemical Engineering (ISESCE 2023) Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, 2023.

Assistant of the Department of Biochemistry: ARYKBAYEVA ALIYA BAKHYTKYZY

Short biography: master’s degree

2010-2014 y. – Taraz State University named after M. Kh.Dulati. Specialty: ” Biotechnology»

2014-2016 y. – Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO). Specialty: ” Biotechnology». Master of Engineering Science

2016 y. to the present – assistant of the Department of Biochemistry of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov

2018 -2021 y – graduated from PhD studies in specialty 6D074800 – “Pharmaceutical Production Technology” at KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfendiyarova.

Contact  information: contact number: 8(701)563-05-15. E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education

Position – assistant at the Department of Biochemistry

Work experience – 7 years

Scientific interests and achievements:

  1. Arykbayeva A.B. Ustenova G.O., Sharipov K. O.,Beissebayeva U. T., Kaukhova I.E., Myrzabayeva A., Gemejiyeva N. G..Determination of Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the CO 2 Extract of Eryngium planum L // International Journal of Biomaterials. – 2023. – Vol. 2023. – P. 1-10.
  2. Арыкбаева А.Б., Куатбай Э.Б., Устенова Г. О. & Шарипов К. Изучение технологических параметроврастительного лекарственного сырья синеголовника плосколистного (Eryngium planum): // Фармация Казахстана. – 2019. – №. 9. – С. 33-36.
  3. Арыкбаева А.Б. и др. Перспективы использования лекарственного растения-синеголовника плосколистного (eryngiumplanum L.) // Вестник Казахского Национального медицинского университета. – 2018. – № 4. – С. 143-145.
  4. Арыкбаева А.Б. и др. Перспективы применения лечебных косметологических средств против акне на основе растительных экстрактов // Фармация Казахстана. – 2020. – №. 1. – С. 9-12.
  5. Куатбай Э.Б., Арыкбаева А.Б., Устенова Г.О. Сравнительный анализ рынка лечебно-косметологических средств против акне на основе растительных экстрактов // Вестник КазНМУ. – 2019. – №1. – С. 457-459.
  6. Устенова Г.О., Азимханова Б.Б., Арыкбаева А.Б. Фармацевтическая разработка фитопрепаратов антимикробного действия // Modern achievements of pharmaceutical technology and biotechnology: collection of scientific works, issue Kharkiv: NUPh publishing house, 2018. – 394-396 p.
  7. Куатбай Э.Б., Арыкбаева А.Б., Устенова Г.О. Перспективы синеголовника плосколистного (Eryngium planum L.) в профилактике и лечении дерматологических // Сборник материалов VI Международной научно-практической конференций 
 «Global science and innovations 2019: central Asia». (VIIІ ТОМ)/ Разраб..: Е. Ешім,Е. Абиевт.б.– Нур-Султан, 2019 – 363 стр.

Assistant of the Department of Biochemistry: SARSENBAYEVA ULAN BAZARBAEVNA

Master of Biological Sciences

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 (ext. 7061).

Cell. tel.: +7 702 924 07 92

E-mail: [email protected]

Education: higher.

2009-2013 Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, specialty: – “Biology”

2013-2015 L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specialty: 6M011300 – “Biology”, Master’s degree

2023 and now – studying for a doctorate in the specialty “Biotechnology” at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Responsible for updating the site KazNMU

Scientific publications:

  1. Kossaliyeva G.B., Zaparkulova K.A., Dossymbekova R.S., Omirzakova K.K., Sarsenbayeva U.B. The biological and therapeutic properties of dried Mare’s milk// 1st International forum «ASFEN.FORUM, NEW GENERATION – 2023»
  2. 2. Сарсенбаева У.Б., Ешпанова Г.Т., Сазанова А.А. Балалардағы церебралды салдануда ЕДШ құралдарын кешенді қолдану әдістемесі / «Дене тәрбиесінің теориясы мен әдістемесі» Ғылыми теориялық журнал. – 2020. – №3 (61). – Б 70-74.
  3. Дәулет Г.Д., Сатыбалдина А.Е., Ұлықбекова А.О., Сазанова А.А., Атанбаева Г.Қ., Төлеуханов С.Т., Сарсенбаева У.Б. Внедрение методики в учебный процесс результатов исследования изменений клеток крови и физико-химические показателей у крыс после введения энтеросорбентов / Вестник КазНУ.Серия биологическая. – 2019. –№2(79). – 10 с.
  4. Дәулет Г.Д., Сатыбалдина А.Е., Сарсенбаева У.Б., Ешпанова Г.Т., Ерданова Г.С., Атанбаева Г.Қ., Аманбай Б.Б. Determination of blood cells after the injection of sorbent into animals / Вестник КазНМУ. – 2019. – №2. – С.172-176

Assistant at the Department of Biochemistry: Bayalieva Raushan Alibekovna

Master of Medicine in Public Health.

Work phone: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7056).

Cell. tel.: +7 701 640 03 55

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education.

Taraz State University named after M.H. Dulati, Faculty of Natural Sciences, qualification – ecologist,

Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Faculty of Public Health, qualification – Master of Medical Sciences.

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, advanced training courses in assessing public health risks.

International Institute of Postgraduate Education “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”

 Responsible for educational work, senior adviser.

Scientific activity: Environment and public health

Scientific publications: 42 scientific publications in the field of health care in domestic and foreign publications.