Report on NIRS at the Department of General Medical Practice No. 2

The scientific circle “Ambulatory theater” works at the department of general medical practice No. 2. The circle includes students of the 5th year of the OM and interns-GPs. The circle meetings are held according to the NIRS plan. Under the guidance of the teachers of the department, members of the NSC prepare reports and presentations.

NIRS is carried out in 2 rounds – intra-cathedral and intra-university.

Responsible for research work at the department are associate professor Kosherbekov E.T. and ass. Yasakov I.S..

03.11.2021 y. A meeting of the scientific circle “Ambulatory theater” was held. At the intra-cathedral tour, 8 reports of students were heard (6 works of interns and 2 works of students of the 5th year). According to the results of the intra-cathedral round, 4 works – winners were determined (3 works of interns of the OM and 1 work of students of the 5th year of the OM) and they were submitted for participation in the 2nd (university) round:

Theme of works Full name of students Leaders
1 Comprehensive assessment of patients with COVID-19 (in English) Intern 15-075-02 gr.

Baykadam A.

Associate Professor Amankulova Zh.
2 Long-term effects in survivors of COVID-19 (in English) Intern 15-076-01 gr. Toregeldi G. Assistant Yasakov I.S.
 3 Features of the course of SARS in children (in the Kazakh language) Intern 15-026-02 gr. Maldanova A  Assistant

Akimzhan M.K.

 4 The study of sonographic markers of fatty hepatosis (in Russian) 5th year students of GM Gavrilenko A.I.

Kusshibekova K.T.


Grushevsky V.E.

Grushevskaya G.M.

15.02.2022 y. an intra-university tour of NIRS took place in an online format (ZOOM-conferences)

The competition commission of the university awarded the Diploma of the 2nd degree to the work of 5th year students of the OM Gavrilenko A.I., Kusshibekova K.T. “Study of sonographic markers of fatty hepatosis” scientific supervisors ass. Department of General Educational Program No. 2 Grushevsky V.E. and Grushevskaya G.M.

In the nomination “For the best innovative idea” the work of the intern 076-01 gr. Toregeldi G. “Long-term consequences in people who have undergone COVID-19.”

Responsible for NIRS at the Department of

 GMP No. 2, Associate Professor                                                                    Kosherbekov E.T.