To improve scientific and clinical activities, the department actively cooperates with similar departments of near and far abroad. Joint cooperation is carried out both in the theoretical and in practical terms. Employees of the department constantly participate in congresses and conferences on children’s surgery in the near and far abroad, deliver oral and poster presentations, publish scientific articles. (Moscow, Irkutsk, Stavropol, Kiev, Berlin, Limassol-Cyprus, Nashville-USA).
The department maintains close relations with leading specialists, pediatric surgeons, world leaders from the Russian Federation (Razumovsky A.Yu., Zorkin SN, Minaev SV, Kozlov Yu.A.) and conduct annual master classes for children’s surgeons RK at various clinical bases in Almaty.
- Master class on neonatal surgery assistant professor Mokrushina OG Chair of Children’s Surgery of the Russian State Medical University. (KazNMU, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Center for Emergency Medical Care of Almaty 2013).
- Master-class “Endoscopic urology of childhood” dmn, prof. Head of the Department of Urology Zorkin SN “The Federal State Budgetary Institution. Scientific Center for Children’s Health of the Russian Academy of Sciences. KazNMU, Children’s Surgery Department, Almaty Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, 2013
- Master class “Reconstructive plastic katabustiology of childhood” Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery Krestyashin V.М. Russian State Medical University Moscow. 2014 MC Aksai, KazNMU, Department of Children’s Surgery, Almaty, 2014.
- Master class “Reconstructive Plastic Coloproctology” dms, professor Kirgizov IV, Head of Children’s Surgery Department of the Centralized Children’s Clinical Hospital of Russia, KazNMU, Children’s Surgery Department, Almaty Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, 2014.
- Master class “Endovideosurgery of Childhood” (Moscow, Russia, Professor RGMU Razumovsky A.Yu.). MC “Aksay”, KazNMU, Almaty, 2014
- Master class “Surgical treatment of complex congenital and acquired pathology of the upper limb and hand in children” FGBU NIDON im.G.I. Turner, Russia.
- Master class “Endovideosurgery of childhood”. In October 2017g. held a master class of professors Razumovsky A.Yu. and Kotlobovsky VI “The newest endovideo-surgical rack” Karl Storz with 3D video camera “was used. KazNMU, Department of Pediatric Surgery, MC “Aksay”.
- Master-class “Endovideosurgery of colon pathology in children”. prof. Kirgizova I.V. is scheduled for January 2018.
- February 26-28, 2018 it is planned to hold a master class by Professor Darush Potkovski (Poland), the author of the world-famous PIRS operation. His scientific and clinical interests encompass almost the entire thoracic and abdominal surgery of childhood.
- In May 2018, employees of the Department of Children’s Surgery are scheduled to deliver a report at the annual IPEG congress (Seattle, USA).
Together with the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Stavropol State Medical Institute (Head of the Department Prof. Minaev SV) and the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Central Hospital of the President of the Russian Federation (the head of the professor, the invented inventor of the Russian Federation, the chief expert, the pediatric surgeon of Roszdravnadzor Kirgizov IV) scientific and clinical research on chronic constipation in children, the result of this study
Cyprus Лимассол, EUPSA, 2017у.
Cyprus 2017у
Cyprus 2017у
Stavropol 2017у
Irkutsk 2017
Irkutsk 2017