History of the Department

Reform of primary health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan, required the creation of a quality system of training of general practitioners, in 1998, on the basis of the Department of Family Medicine and polyclinic training organized the Department of postgraduate training of general practitioners. The first head of the department was Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Begimbetova R.S..

Since 2000, the department was headed by a major scientist in the field of rheumatology RK – Professor, Dr. M.Sc. Seisenbaev A.Sh.

Since 2011 the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, member of the Society of Cardiologists of RK Kultaev M.S.

In 2012 by the decision of the Academic Council the department was renamed and received a new name “Department of Internship and Residency of GP №1”.

From 2021 to today the department is headed by Professor, Dr. Tazhieva A.E. (Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

The staff of the department is represented by specialists of different profiles – general practitioners, therapists, pediatricians, surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists and other doctors of related specialties, of which –

  • 2 doctors of sciences – Professor, Dr.M.Sc. Tazhieva A.E. (Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan), Professor, Dr.M.Sc. Zhankalova Z.M. (External Expert of the Independent Accreditation and Agency Rating (IAAR),),
  • 13 candidates of sciences – Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Khabizhanova V.B. (member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Kazakhstan), Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Gabdulina G.J. (member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Kazakhstan), Candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor Eshmanova A.K. (member of association of gerontologists and geriatricians of Kazakhstan), professor, Candidate of medical sciences Abdykulova A.B., Candidate of medical sciences Nurmakhanova J.M. (member of association of cardiologists of Kazakhstan), associate professors: Candidate of medical sciences Ensegenova Z.J. (independent expert), Candidate of medical sciences Khaibullina G.M., (member of the Association of Pediatricians of Kazakhstan), Candidate of Medical Sciences Bisenbina G.J., Candidate of Medical Sciences Matchanova M.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences Kasymova R.N. (member of the Association of Pediatricians of Kazakhstan), Candidate of Medical Sciences Sailanova D.K., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Erenchina E.R., Assistant Dzhalyaletdinov N.T.,),
  • 8 masters of medicine – Esirkepova A.Zh., Abdugulova G.Z., Tuleutaeva S.A., Kushimbaeva K.Sh., Zhaparkulova M.T., Isaeva K.K., Asyltaeva A.B., Djarikova B.N.
  • 12 assistants – Enseyeva Z.T., Barmenbayeva M.O., Kanseitova B.Z., Nurtayeva A.A., Zhubayeva G.S., Erlepesova A.T., Adilzhan G.R., Esbayeva G.U. Makhatova G.D., Omarova Kh.S., Shoibekova G.O. Darisheva D.A..

Clinical bases of the department are urban multidisciplinary polyclinics of Almaty. Almaty. Within the framework of clinical work, the staff of the department conduct consultations, consiliums, clinical discussions and supervision of patients.

The department actively participates in scientific-practical conferences of city, republican and international level, making reports.

The staff of the chair annually improve their pedagogical level, participating in various training seminars, professional development, etc.

The department teaches at 3 levels of higher and postgraduate education – bachelor’s degree, internship in the direction of “General medical practice” and residency in family medicine.

Every year the department produces up to 400 graduates, who successfully work in the primary health care. The department conducts a lot of educational, methodological and educational work. Interactive methods of teaching are introduced, such as presentations, video consultations, computer training, role-playing games. Active curatorial work with interns is carried out within the framework of professional orientation in the work of a general practitioner, education of patriotism and civic position.