The first Department of Psychiatry in the Republic was opened at Almaty State medical institute in 1936. It opened on the basis of psychiatric hospital that has celebrated 100 years in 1996. Professor B.N.Serafimov, who worked at psychoneurological institute of Bekhterev, has become the first Head of the Department. Traditionally, the students of the Leningrad psychiatric school, as well as B.N.Serafimov himself, paid the main attention to studying of exogenous psychoses. In particular, under his management the works issued in the form of articles on studying of malarial (M.A.Pushkarev) and akrikhinovy (N.Ya.Bukhantsev) of psychoses which were of interest during this period for Kazakhstan in respect of regional pathology were performed. The separate researches devoted to intoksikatsionny and infectious psychoses, were carried out and after leaving from B. N. Serafimov’s chair. So, M.A.Pushkareva studied mental violations because of poisoning with tetraethyllead, G.P.Lensky described for the first time psychosis cases at “Ku’s” fever. In military years scientific interests of chair, as well as all Soviet psychiatrists, concentrated on pathology of traumatic genesis. B.N, Serafimov applied a long dream at treatment of post-traumatic frustration of TsNS. Associate professor A.P.Shtess defended the doctoral dissertation devoted to injuries of a brain. From 1947 to 1955 chair professor A.P.Shtess managed. It paid much attention to improvement of educational process. For unification of a practical training on chair it made the medotichesky guide to the general psychopathology which very helped young teachers (though, on the other hand, promoted excessive formalization at the description the description of the mental status). Clinical interns and even subinterns trained on chair actively were involved to scientific researches. It is a lot of time and forces of A.P, Shtess Kaz gave to organizational activity as the non-staff chief psychiatrist of Ministry of Health the Soviet Socialist Republic. Under its management in 1953 the first Republican meeting of psychiatrists was held in Kyzyl Horde.
Since 1957 I began to manage chair к.м.н. G.I.Zaltsman. In the next 5 years the increased creative activity of staff of chair was possible thanks to cooperation with doctors of clinical base and its chief physician V.E.Vetsner. For the first time in the Soviet Union the technique of treatment of patients by schizophrenia so-called “an antipsychotic teeth” which was most effective than others, applied was applied during this period, ways of treatment, G.I.Zaltsman was the author. In 60-80gg. on chair under the leadership of professor G.I.Zaltsman psychopathological syndromes and alcoholic pathology, and under the leadership of professor R.G.Ilesheva actual problems of age psychiatry were studied.
The basic kliniko-psychopathological researches of sharp nonsense conducted by G.I.Saltzman, laid down in a basis of a subject of his doctoral dissertation which was defended in 1969 in Tashkent. E.K.Medetov, E.B.Bayturayev, L.P.Popova, Yu.T.Dzhangildina, M.Sh.Dzhamantayeva, N.T.Izmailova, L.E.Bazarbayeva’s works are executed under the leadership of professor G.I.Zaltsman, protected in Moscow in scientific research institute of Judicial psychiatry of. Serbian and scientific research institute of psychiatry of MZ RSFSR.
The high clinical level of all these works which has created a peculiar positive image of Almaty chair was noted. Under the leadership of G.I.Zaltsman the master’s dissertation of the graduate student of B.B.Dzharbusynova, devoted to mental pathology is executed and defended in 1996 at kidney insufficiency. Its works were published in scientific and thematic collections of the Russian Academy of medical sciences, in the materials X-X1 of the congresses of the World psychiatric Association. Two of its works got the International awards with delivery of certificates.
In the 80-90th years the problem of alcoholism, drug addiction, toxicomanias was staticized. “Feminization” and rejuvenation of these diseases, toxicomania distribution among children and teenagers was one of aspects of this problem.
At women the subject of the master’s thesis of A.S.Sukhanberdina (head R.G.Ilesheva) was devoted to an alcoholism problem.
In recent years the works which purpose was the simplification to psychiatrists of Kazakhstan of transition to the 10th revision of the International classification of diseases (MKB-10) which was carried out in January, 1998 are published. In 1997 Kudyarova G. M., Saltzman. . And. Saltzman I.G. issued methodical recommendations: “Diagnostics of mental and behavioural disorders according to MKB-10”.
Besides scientific researches the staff of chair always rendered the organizational help to republic Ministry of Health in improvement of the psychiatric help to the population.
From 1991 to 2000 professor G.M.Kudyarova who was before the chief teenage psychiatrist of the republic was the chief non-staff psychiatrist of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During this period the teenage psychiatric service was considerably recovered, interdepartmental relations with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Public Education, a military commissariat, the Ministry of Justice, social security establishments were strengthened.
From 1990 to 2000 professor G.M.Kudyarova headed psychiatry chair, and at this position she showed big organizing abilities which were peculiar to it and in former years. On chair a great job on updating of a methodical material, including methodical grants, tables, both for students, and for teachers was done. As the chief psychiatrist it repeatedly left in the field of the republic for rendering the organizational and advisory and methodical help. Seminars, conferences of republican and international scales (Almaty, Aktyubinsk, Dzhambul, Kustanai, Kzyl Orda, Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk, Semipalatinsk, Ust Kamenogorsk) were annually held. In December, 1990 in Almaty the international conference on topical issues of psychiatry, narcology with participation of scientists from CIS countries (Russia, Kyrgyzstan) was held.
G.M.Kudyarova’s doctoral dissertation (which it defended in 2000 in Moscow, in the State scientific center of social and judicial psychiatry of V.P.Serbskogo) “The main regularities of prevalence of mental disorders in the Republic of Kazakhstan” represents kliniko-epidemiological research.
On chair the attention to development of a number of difficult questions of teaching of psychiatry, such as participation of students in research work (NIRS), forms of control of independent work of students was paid. The chair developed new “The program on psychiatry for students of all faculties of medical schools” and also “The program on medical psychology for all faculties of medical schools”, “The program on preparation of clinical interns on psychiatry”.
In December, 2000 for 2001 of the manager N.T.Izmailova who was an intern, the trainee, the intern of this chair and in the subsequent the practical psychiatrist, the assistant, the professor of chair of psychiatry and narcology of Almaty institute of improvement of doctors, the professor of chair of psychiatry of KAZNMU became chair. In 1998 it in Tashkent defended the doctoral dissertation: “The schizophrenia complicated by gashishny intoxication (kliniko-psychopathological research)”. Under its management some master’s theses on clinical questions of psychiatry are carried out.
Under the leadership of main psychiatrist Kudyarova G. M. a lot of work on preparation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About the psychiatric help and guarantees of the rights of citizens was carried out at its rendering” (RK which have left signed by the President of N.A.Nazarbayev on April 16, 1997).
With participation of chair the project again opened in December, 2000 was developed. The scientific and practical center of medico-social problems of drug addiction in Pavlodar.
In 1999-2000 the chair took active part in development of the project of the Scientific and practical center for psychiatry and narcology (which opening is supposed in Almaty in 2001 on the basis of Republican clinical psychiatric hospital) and other documents connected with its creation.
In pursuance of the plan of measures on realization of the tasks set by the President of the country in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan “To free, effective and safe society of 24.10.2000. By order of Agency on affairs of health care and at the request of administration of KANMU, in March, 2001 the chair started in development of the program at a special course: “About influence of drugs on a human body and criminal liability for sale, illegal drug trafficking, about strategy of fight against drug addiction and narcobusiness” for alleged inclusion in curricula of medical schools 2001-2002 academic years of a special course on narcology.
In 2002-2008gg. chair I headed, professor Nurmagambetova S. A. For this period standard training programs were updated, psychiatry teaching on the 6th course for interns was introduced, and also on 1-2 courses students in the subject “Communicative Skills” on psychiatry chair began to be trained. From 2007-2008 academic years the separate subject “Narcology” is allocated.
Since October, 2008 head of the department doctor of medical sciences, professor S. A.Altynbekov. The author more than 100 scientific publications, under his management 4 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations are executed. Altynbekov S. A. is the president of psychiatric association, and also the chief non-staff psychiatrist of MZ RK.
The chair did big educational and methodical work – standard programs for students, interns on psychiatry and narcology are made, teaching in the state and Russian languages (a multimedia demonstration material) is improved. Modern methods of teaching with audio use – and video records, interactive the technician are also widely used.
Starting from 5th of September 2016 in pursuance if the decision of Academic Council of KazNMU named after S.D Asfendiyarov on “The university tasks on the modernization of oeganizational structures of dean’s office, faculties and departments in 2016-2017” in accordance with the Order No.5461 from 21.09.2016 it was decided to merge the Department of Psychiatry, psychotherapy and Narcology with the Department of Internship and Residency in psychiatry and narcology into one combined department (includes both undergraduate courses and internship and residential courses).
Since September 4, 2017 the department was transformed into the department of psychiatry and narcolgy №1 by dividing into bachelor’s degree and postgraduate education.
- Purpose: To form the knowledge of undergraduate student of theoretical basics of psychiatry and narcology, child psychiatry and
Tasks: 1. train the ability to examine mental and narcological patients; 2. To teach methodologies for assessing mental status with the establishment of a syndromic diagnosis; 3. Develop skills in choosing tactics for treating mental and behavioral disorders
Functions: Study process, methodic work, schientific works and researches, clinical activities, educational work
The main area of activity: the introduction of knowledge about mental and behavioral disorders in general clinical practice.