Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine was established in September 1974 by the order of MH of KazSSR at ASMI named of S.D. Asfendiyarov. The founder of the department of Anesthesiology and IntensiveCare Medicine was professor, d.m.s. Togaybaev A.A. For the first time the department was located in two main bases: Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Hospital for veterans of GPW and Emergency Hospital.At that time the department state consisted of three employees: professor Togaybaev A.A, assistant Ushakova G.G. and assistant Sultanbayeva B.K.
One PhD thesis and twenty-one master’s thesises were defended and more than two hundred scientific articles were published under the supervision of professor Togaybaev A.A.Academician A.A. Togaybaev improved the quality of the teaching work and introduced modern methods of non-inhaled anesthesia.
In 1997 the department was reorganized and attached as course of Anesthesiology and IntensiveCare Medicine at the department of General Surgery.From 1997 to 2006 the head of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Course was assistant professor, c.m.s.Berdalina G.S. During thetime of working at the department she published the monograph and six research works on the topic: “Anesthetic management and the effect of anesthesia on homeostasis in urological patients”.
From 2006 to 2011the head of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Course was assistant professor, c.m.s. Dzholdybekov T.S.He is one of the authors of the development of REP, TEP and internship syllabus 2011in training of doctors of the specialty “General Medicine”. And he was also the chairman of the Federation of Almaty branch of Anaesthetistsand Intensivists of the RK from 2007 to 2011.
In 2011 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine was organized again under the supervision of d.m.s. Israilova V.K.11main teachers work at the department (they are 1 professor, 4docents, 6 assistants, and 4 part time assistants).2 Master’sthesises were defended under the scientific supervision of Israilova V.K. in June 2013. Atpresenttimeemployeesworkin 10 clinicalbases:
– the main bases: БСНМП Almaty city