In 1992, the Department of Internship for Pediatricians was organized, which later became the Department of Children’s Diseases. From the day of its foundation until September 2008, the department was headed by Zaira Khamitovna, doctor of medical sciences, professor.
Mazhitova Z.Kh. – the first head of the department, within 5 years was the pro-rector for scientific work, and then the Adviser of the rector of KazNMU in science. Mazhitova Z.Kh. She was a member of the International Academy of Medical Education (Hamburg), the International Society of Pediatricians, the Society of Pediatricians of Turkic-speaking countries, the Asian and Pacific Association of Gastroenterologists, the European Respiratory Society, as well as a member of the editorial board of the journal Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Kazakhstan “. Professor Z.Kh.Mazhitova is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, theses, 26 prepatents for invention, 3 study guides, 2 monographs, Atlas of clinical and morphological syndromes and diseases in children with environmental pollution. Under the leadership of Mazhitova Z.Kh. four doctoral and 26 master’s theses were defended. Her students work in medical institutions in Kazakhstan, Russia, Luxembourg, Germany. Thanks to the cooperation and support of various medical specialists from Japan, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Russia, 16 scientific and technical programs and projects have been implemented. A new direction in the medicine of Kazakhstan – ecological pediatrics was created at the department, which served as the basis for the development of many areas – genetics, pulmonology, hematology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, dermatology, nephrology and others. Employees of the department actively participated in the work of various international forums, scientific and practical conferences on topical problems of pediatrics. The main result of the scientific and practical activity of the Department of Children’s Diseases №1 is the implementation of the Scientific and Technical Program for the grant of the International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC) “Determination of the real chemical and radiation load on the organism of children living in an ecologically unfavorable region of Kazakhstan” (2003-2005 .g.). The result of the NTP was the publication of the monograph “Ecologically dependent diseases in children” and the Atlas of clinical and morphological syndromes and diseases in children with environmental pollution, edited by Z. Kh. Mazhitova.
In the process of reforming higher education in 1996, the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases was added to the department.
Lebedeva Valentina Andreevna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, for 20 years (1968-1989), headed the department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases, which would
was established in 1952. Department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases in 1995 was attached to the Department of Children’s Diseases. Lebedeva V.A. – honored worker of science Kaz SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, founder of children’s allergology in Kazakhstan. Under her leadership, 20 candidate dissertations were defended. From 1989 to 1996, the Department of Propaedeutics of Childhood Illnesses was led by the student VA Lebedova, MD Imambaeva TM. Professor Imambaeva Т.М. from 2008 to 2012 worked as dean of the pediatric faculty. Currently – Professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases №2 KazNMU. From 2008 to 2011 the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, student of Professor Z. Kh. Mazhitova – Sarsenbaeva SS. From 2011 to 2017 academic year, the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences Orynbasarova Kamila Kalaubaevna – a student of academician Isayeva LA (First Moscow Medical University named after IM Sechenov) and Professor Z.Kh. Majitova. He is the author of 106 articles and theses, 4 educational and methodical recommendations for doctors, co-author of the manuals “Cardiology of Childhood”, “Acute pneumonia in children”, the Handbook “Treatment of diseases in children”, a textbook on propaedeutics of childhood diseases in Kazakh, monographs on ecological pediatrics, Atlas of clinical and morphological syndromes and diseases in children with environmental pollution. At the present time there are 24 professors and auxiliary staff working at the department, of which 2 medical doctors for uk: Tashenova G.T, Orynbasarova K. K, 4 assistant professors – Nurgalieva Zh. Zh, Dosym S.M, Ismailova D.B, Aslambekova N.A, assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences Sagidullina LS, assistant-masters of medical sciences – Sagimova R.Sh., Akhmetova L.M, Kukembay U.K., Orazbayev Zh.A., assistant – Demeubaeva D. M, Novruzova N.B, Boketova B.N., Dusanova A.K., Esimova N.K. , Baykova K.T., Tolgangbaeva A.A., Amanzholov T.A, Dzhaksybayeva I.S, Isaeva N.D., Zhetpisbaeva N.K, Nurmakhanova A.S, Sakuova G.N. Employees of the department in various years provided great practical and scientific and methodological assistance to health authorities at the clinical bases of the department – DGKB No. 2, RKDB “Aksay”. Currently, students are being trained on the basis of DGKB No. 2 and the Aksay RKBB. The staff of the department conducts treatment and advisory work of the State Children’s Clinical Hospital No.2, the Criminal Code “Aksay”, GP No.8. The staff of the department actively participates in the methodical and educational work of doctors of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ph.D. Orynbasarova K.K. – the author of 6 clinical protocols, 2013-2014 – Chairman of the Working Group for the Development of Clinical Protocols on Pediatrics. The faculty provides practical and educational support to the staff of city polyclinics (№8, № 22, №31), where patient counseling and thematic seminars are organized. Teachers of the department organize, according to the plan of the hospital, thematic scientific and practical conferences for doctors, conduct pathological and anatomical conferences at the clinical bases of the department. Achievements of the department for scientific research work for the last 5 years: – the publication of teaching aids for students and doctors: “Balalar aurulars propaedeuticas” // Shakim GA, Orynbasarova K.K. et al., Almaty, “Evero”, 2014 – 312 BET, “Acute pneumonia in children” // Zhernosek VF, Orynbasarova KK, Batyrkhanov Sh.K. – BelMAPO, Minsk, 2013 – 52s .; “Anemia in children. Clinic, diagnosis and modern approaches to treatment “/ / Orynbasarova K.K. – Almaty, 2012 – 36s .- Reference book “Treatment of diseases in children” // Zhernosek VF, Orynbasarova K.K. and others – Publishing House “Adukaciya and Vykhavanne”, Minsk – 272s. In accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process, the department conducted the master classes of visiting professors in the framework of the curriculum and the profile of the supervised departments: professors of the Department of Children’s Diseases of the First Moscow Medical University . THEM. Sechenova Golovanova N.Yu. on children’s rheumatology; Professor of the Medical Faculty of the Novosibirsk State University, holder of the Gold Medal of the Siberian Academy of Medical Sciences, Denisov M.Yu. on gastroenterology; Professor of the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology BelMAPO Kozarezova TI; head of the department of polyclinic pediatrics BelMAPO Zhernosek VF on selected issues of pediatrics.