Bitanova Elmira Zheniskhanovna
Head of department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
1 | Full name | Bitanova Elmira Zheniskhanovna |
2 | Position | Head of department |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 26 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
6 | Bitanova Elmira Zheniskhanovna, graduated from the Kazakh State Medical University in 1997 and since that time has been working at the Department of General Immunology consecutively as an intern-researcher, teacher, senior teacher, associate professor and professor of the department. Since 2014, he has been successfully performing the duties of the head of this department. He has a Candidate of Medical Sciences in Immunology and Allergology.
At the same time, Elmira Zheniskhanovna is a co-author of three editions of the textbooks “General immunology”, co-author of 2 electronic textbooks “General immunology”, educational films on the discipline and a number of electronic textbooks. Bitanova E.Zh. successfully combines scientific, educational and methodological and organizational and educational work. She is the author of 60 published scientific articles, constantly participates in planning, attracting grant funding and the implementation of research projects, leads research and advises young scientists. Over the past 5 years, the department headed by her has graduated two undergraduates and is currently preparing two PhD-doctoral students and one undergraduate in the specialty “Medicine”. For 10 years Elmira Zheniskhanovna has been a member of the first problem commission, and now the scientific committee of the “Life Sciences”. He does a lot of work on reviewing and opposing scientific works in this industry, is a member of the organizing committees of competitions for scientific works of young scientists. Also, under the leadership of Elmira Zheniskhanovna, international cooperation in the field of immunological research is actively developing – Germany, the Russian Federation, Italy, Uzbekistan, etc. |
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
1 | Full name | Tarabayeva Anel Saidovna |
2 | Position | Professor |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 35 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
6 | Tarabayeva Anel Saidovna has been working at the Department of Immunology of KazNMU since 1984. She is one of the founders of the course of clinical immunology at KazNMU. She is the author of more than 80 publications. She is responsible for the scientific work of the department. She was the head of the scientific project “Optimization of targeted therapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis”. She is a member of several scientific projects. Fluent in English. Awarded with a medal of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honorary grams of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and KazNMU. |
Associate Professor
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
1 | Full name | Bizhigitova Beibitgul Baisultanovna |
2 | Position | Associate Professor |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 25 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
6 | Bizhigitova Beibitgul Baisultanovna graduated from the Kazakh State Medical University in 1998 and has been working at the department since then. In 2004 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, specializing in allergology and immunology. He is the author of more than 60 scientific works, including the co-author of 3 editions of textbooks “General immunology” (2008, 2009, 2014) , a dictionary of a reference book on immunology, 6 copyright certificates for animated films on general immunology (scientific work), prepared and published 8 teaching aids for students.
B. B. Bizhigitova actively participates in the social life of the department. Constantly participates in the implementation of scientific and practical projects. Actively introduces new teaching methods into the educational process. |
Associate Professor
Candidate of Medical Sciences
1 | Full name | Zhubanturliyeva Ainagul Baubekovna |
2 | Position | Associate Professor |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Candidate of Medical Sciences |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 29 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
6 | Zhubanturliyeva Ainagul Baubekovna graduated from the medical faculty of the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute in 1993.
From 1993 to 1994, she worked as an intern in the cardiology department of the Almaty Regional Clinical Hospital. In September 1994 she was hired as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Infectious Diseases with a course of immunology at the ASMI, part-time assistant at the 0.5 st course of clinical immunology of the same department. In September 1995 she was transferred to the position of assistant of the course of clinical immunology and allergology of this department. From February 1, 2008 she was transferred to the position of associate professor of the course of clinical immunology and allergology of the department of immunology and allergology of KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov. Working on the clinical courses of the department, Zhubanturliyeva A.B. was an applicant and was engaged in scientific work. In 2005 she defended her thesis on the topic “Immunorehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases”, according to the results of a scientific study, a prepotent was obtained. Zhubanturliyeva A.B. is the author of over 40 scientific papers published in foreign and domestic publications; co-author of the chapter of the textbook “General Immunology”, 2014 and teaching aids for students and practitioners in the state and Russian languages. Zhubanturliyeva A.B. has the highest medical category since 2006, owns all known manipulations and modern latest methods of diagnostics and treatment of allergic diseases, immunodeficiencies, expands its practical and scientific potential. She is interested in and strives to introduce innovations in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. |
Associate Professor
Candidate of Medical Sciences
1 | Full name | Nurmukhanbetova Aliya Adilsarina |
2 | Position | Associate Professor |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Candidate of Medical Sciences |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 24 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | 7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
6 | Nurmukhanbetova Aliya Adilsarina graduated from the medical faculty of the Alma-Ata State Medical Institute in 1996. After graduating from the institute, from 1996 to 1998, she passed clinical residency at the Department of Immunology and Allergology of the Kazakh State Medical University. After completing her clinical residency, she entered the full-time postgraduate study of the same department and graduated in 2003. From 2003 to the present, she has been working at the Department of Immunology and Allergology as an assistant, senior lecturer, since 2012 – an associate professor.
In 2003 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: “Subbuccal immunotherapy of patients with hay fever.” Total work experience – 27 years; teaching experience – 24 years. Nurmukhanbetova A.A. is a co-developer of work programs in the specialty “immunology and allergology” for clinical residents, work programs for primary specialization and thematic refresher courses for immunologists-allergists, work programs for basic and elective cycles for students in accordance with the Education Standards. About 50 scientific works have been prepared and published, including 6 teaching aids. Has 2 prepatents for invention. Regularly participates in the processing of methodological instructions for students, the preparation of syllabuses, the compilation and processing of test tasks of various levels for the midterm and final control of students. In the 2018-19 academic year, as part of the implementation of the academic mobility program, Associate Professor A.A. Nurmukhanbetova conducted practical classes, open lectures at the partner university of KazNMU – Saratov State Medical University named V.I. Razumovsky (Russia, Saratov). |
Associate professor, PhD
1 | Full name | Abilbayeva Arailym Assylkhanovna |
2 | Position | Associate Professor |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | PhD |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 12 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
Abilbayeva Arailym Assylkhanovna graduated with honors from the pediatric faculty of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. In 2011, she worked as a teacher-trainee at the Department of Outpatient Pediatrics at KazNMU named after D. Asfendiyarov. In 2012 she entered the magistracy in the specialty “Medicine” (immunology). In 2014 she defended her master’s thesis on the topic: “Evaluation of the effectiveness of a probiotic product for indicators of innate immunity.” 2017 to 2020 studied in doctoral studies in the specialty “Medicine”. Doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Identification of diagnostically significant antigenic components of M. tuberculosis for use in early immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis”. She defended her PhD dissertation in 2021. She is the author of over 20 published scientific articles. Abilbayeva A.A. has been working at the Department of General Immunology of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU since 2012.
She is an official reviewer for the International Journal of Infectious Diseases. Research interests – immunodiagnostics and immunoprophylaxis. |
Lecturer, Master of Medicine
1 | Full name | Kuashova Dinara Kudretillaevna |
2 | Position | Lecturer |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Master of Medicine |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 11 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
6 | Kuashova Dinara Kudretillaevna graduated from the medical and preventive work of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov in 2011.
From 2011 to 2013 she worked as a researcher at the National Center for Healthy Nutrition. From 2013 to 2014, she worked as a laboratory assistant at the AIDS center in Almaty. In 2014 she entered the magistracy of the Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education and graduated in 2016. From 2016 to the present time works at the Department of General Immunology |
Lecturer, Master of pedagogical sciences
1 | Full name | Okhas Ingkar Myrzakhankyzy |
2 | Position | Lecturer |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Master of pedagogical sciences |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 7 years |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
Okhas I.M. graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and 2017 with a Master’s degree in Biology, the Department of Biophysics and Biomedicine, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi KazNU. In 2018, she passed the “Course on advanced training and retraining of personnel of public health organizations” at the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education (NUGSE) in conjunction with the Nazarbayev University School of Medicine (NUSOM). Okhas I.M. works at the Department of General Immunology KazNMU named after. S. D. Asfendiyarov since 2017 |
1 | Full name | Berikkyzy Aruzhan |
2 | Position | Assistant |
3 | Academic degree, academic rank | Master of natural sciences |
4 | Pedagogical experience | 1 year |
5 | Contact details (work phone, e-mail) | +7 (727) 338-70-90 (7296) |
In 2021 she graduated the biological and biotechnological faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in 2023 she graduated from the Master’s degree in the speciality “7M05102-Biomedicine” at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
In 2021, she worked as a specialist in the department of biophysics, biomedicine and neuroscience at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2023, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the department of general immunology at KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov. Scientific publications: scientific abstracts – 7 (in international conferences), scientific article – 1 (in ACQAED-MEK). In 2021, she was awarded the medal “Best Student of the CIS”. In 2022, she took 2nd place in the international scientific and methodological conference among students. In 2022, she took 1st place in the Republican competition of research papers among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022. Research interests: immunobiotechnology, immunogenetics. |