Educational-methodical work

In 2019-2020 school year, according to WEP the Department study:


– Bachelor’s degree, 3rd year, specialty «Stomatology»;

– Bachelor’s degree, 5th year, specialty «General medicine»;

– Bachelor’s degree, 5th year, International Medical Faculty


– Internship 6 course 5В130100 «General medicine» studying direction «CD»;


– Residency – 6R111300 «Infectious diseases, including pediatric».

In the 2019-2020 academic year, 10 residents of the second year study, 4 residents of the first year study are trained.

On all disciplines for each course and faculty taking into account future specialization according to Educational programs Syllabuses in languages of studying, control and measuring means are developed.

At the Department, students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the lecture material, videos, electronic textbooks, materials of scientific conferences, legal documents regulating the work of an infectious disease doctor. Students study in the state, Russian and English languages. The staff of the Department prepared materials in 3 languages.

Atlas of the prevalence of bacterial and zoonotic infections in Kazakhstan in 3 languages.


Practical classes at the Department of infectious diseases with a course of dermatovenerologyare held at the patient bedside in the form of curation of thematic patients in the hospital, in the absence of patients – analysis of clinical cases of their own observations.

In the Bachelor’s and in the Internship degree midterm control is carried out in the form written ticket exam, the final control – in the CbD format.

In Residency midterm examinations are held in the form of a mini-clinical exam, assessment of the quality of medical documentation, preparation of presentation (case-study), portfolio preparation, final control – in the form of a mini-clinical examination at the patient’s bed.

Docents Bayekeeva K.T., Ospanbekova N.K. conduct workshops.


Employees of the Department developed and implemented interactive teaching methods:

  • Interactive PBL method on “Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases occurring with General toxic syndrome” for interns of the 6th course of the specialty “Internal diseases”, “General medical practice”
  • Interactive PBL method on “Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases with diarrhea” for interns of the 6th course of the specialty “Internal diseases”, ” General medical practice”
  • Interactive method of PBL on the topic “Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases that occur with rashes” for interns of 6 course
  • Interactive PBL method on the topic “Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases occurring with lymphadenopathy” for interns of the 6th course of the specialty “Internal diseases”,”General medical practice” of the specialty “Internal diseases”, ” General medical practice”
  • Interactive TBL method on “Rash in airborne infections” for interns of the 6th course of the specialty “Internal diseases”, ” General medical practice”
  • Interactive PBL method on “Jaundice in a student” for interns of the 6th year of specialty “Internal diseases”, ” General medical practice”
  • Interactive Case-study method on “Meningitis Syndrome” for interns of the 6th course of the specialty “Internal diseases”, ” General medical practice”
  • Interactive method TBL on the topic “Extremely dangerous Infections. Primary cutaneous affect syndrome”for interns of the 6th course of the specialty “General medicine” in the studying direction ” Internal diseases”
  • Interactive SBL method on “Malaria” for 3rd year students of the specialty “Medical and Preventive care” in the state language
  • Interactive method of SBL on “Cutaneous leishmaniasis” for interns of the 6th course of specialty “General medicine” in the field of ” Internal diseases”
  • Interactive method RBL “Jaundice in men” for interns 6th year specialty “General medicine” areas of training “General medical practice”, ” internal diseases”
  • Interactive method RBL «Sore throat in young men» for interns 6th year specialty “General medicine” areas of training “General medical practice”, “internal medicine” in the state language
  • Interactive TBL method on «Tetanus» for 3rd year students of the specialty «Medical and Preventive care»
  • Interactive TBL method on «Typhoid fever. Paratyphoid A and B» for interns of 6 course specialty «General medicine» specialty «Internal diseases» in the national language
  • Interactive RBL method on “Lymphadenitis in men” for interns of the 6th course of specialty “General medicine” in the field of “Internal diseases” in the state language
  • Interactive TBL method on «Typhoid fever. Paratyphoid A and B» for 4th year students of the International medical faculty
  • Interactive CBL method on «Salmonellosis» for 4th year students of the International medical faculty
  • Interactive TBL method on «Viral hepatitis A and E» for 4th year students of the International medical faculty
  • An interactive РBL method on «A girl’s headache» for 4th year students of the International medical faculty
  • Interactive CBL method on «Malaria» for 5th year students of the International medical faculty
  • Interactive TBL method on «Schistosomiasis» for 5th year students of the International medical faculty.


Staff of the Department in the framework of methodical work participate in conferences on the educational process with reports:


2015-2016 academic year:

  1. Shоpаyеvа G.А. Oral presentation : «Research and innovation in medical professional education», Italy, Venice, 27.04.2016-30.04.2016


2016-2017 учебный год

1.Duisеnоvа А.К.  Oral presentation : «Organization of medical care for patients with chronic viral hepatitis: experience, achievements and prospects». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017

  1. Shоpаyеvа G.А. Oral presentation : «Viral infections-the future of infectious pathology». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  2. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Acute intestinal infections: modern diagnostic and therapeutic tactics». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University “School of General practitioner”, 16.05.2017
  3. Dmitrоvskiy А.М., DuisеnоvаА.К., Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.А., ShоkаlаkоvаА.K. Poster presentation «Confirmedcase of Tularemia».Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  4. Duisеnоvа А.К., Sеydullayeva L.B., КаshimZh.К. Poster presentation «Probable case of anthrax». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  5. Dmitrоvskiy А.М., Коshеrоvа B.N., DuisеnоvаА.К., Umeshova L.A. Poster presentation «Anthrax in Kazakhstan. Situation in 2016». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  6. Sаdykоvа А.М., ShоpаyеvаG.А., КоnusоvаА.К., SаrsеmbiyеxаА.А. Poster presentation «Imported case of cholera in Almaty». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  7. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A., DmitrоvskiyА.М., АbdrаkhmаnоvаА.К., Bаykhоzhаyеvа R.Zh. Poster presentation «Suspected caseof Ebola fever». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  8. Оspаnbеkоvа N.К., АybоsynоvаS.B., UtаgаnоваТ.К. Poster presentation «Differential diagnosis of botulism at the PMSC stage ». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  9. Sеydullayeva L.B., BаyеkеyеvаК.Т., DuisеnоvаА.К., Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Poster presentation «Imported tropical diseases in General medical practice». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University “School of General practitioner”, 16.05.2017
  10. Dmitrоvskiy А.М., Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A., ShоkаlаkоvаА.K. Poster presentation «Tularemiastandardcase definition». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017
  11. Оspаnbеkоvа N.К., ОspаnbеkоvаА.К. Poster presentation «Clinical manifestations of Klebsiellosis in General medical practice». Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the days of the University «School of General practitioner», 16.05.2017

2017-2018 academic year

1.Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Neurobrucellosis: problems of diagnosis and treatment». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana14.09.-15.09.2017.

  1. Dmitrоvskiy А.М. Oral presentation : «Algorithm of measures in identifying a patient with aextremely dangerous infectious disease». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017.
  2. Dmitrоvskiy А.М. Oral presentation :«Tick-borne encephalitis in the Republic of Kazakhstan ». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017
  3. Bаyеkеyеvа К.Т., Shоpаyеvа G.А. Oral presentation : «Analysis of clinical and epidemiological features of cystic echinococcosis in Kazakhstan». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017
  4. Duisеnоvа А.К. Poster presentation:«Analysis of 2 cases of maternal mortality in H1N1 influenza in Almaty region». International scientific and practical conference “Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care”, Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017
  5. Bаykhоzhаyеvа R. Zh., Umеshоvа L.А. Poster presentation: «Serous meningitis-syndromal diagnosis». International scientific and practical conference “Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care”, Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017
  6. Dmitrоvskiy А.М., Shоkаlаkоvа А.К. Poster presentation:«Complex algorithmic approach to teachingEDID». International scientific and practical conference “Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care”, Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017
  7. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A., DuisеnоvаА.К. Poster presentation: «Dengue fever: imported cases in Almaty». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017 года.
  8. Yergаliyеvа А.А., Duisеnоvа А.К. Poster presentation: «Experience with Vickey Pak treatment in chronic viral hepatitis C 1 genotype». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017.
  9. Duisеnоvа А.К. Poster presentation: «Brucellosis meningitis: analysis of 2 cases». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017.
  10. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Poster presentation: «Case study: generalized Klebsiella infection». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017.
  11. Каshim Zh. К., Коnusоvа А. К. Poster presentation: «Angina syndrome in the clinic of infectious diseases». International scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of Central Asia: management of infectious diseases at the stage of primary medical-sanitary care», Astana 14.09.-15.09.2017.
  12. Sаdykоvа А.М., Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Mixed infection of hepatitis B and herpetic hepatitis. Case from practice». International V Central Asian gastroenterological week-2017, Almaty 27.09.-30.09.2017.
  13. Duisеnоvа А.К., ShоpаyеvаG.А.Oral presentation : «Cystic echinococcosisof the liver. Innovations in diagnosis and treatment».International V Central Asian gastroenterological week-2017, Almaty 27.09.-30.09.2017.
  14. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Influenza and ARVI. Modern tactics of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Lessons from the H1N1 influenza pandemic. Features of management of pregnant women». Scientific and practical conference «Integration, partnership, innovations in medical education and science», Aktobe 05.10.-06.10.2017.
  15. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Chronic viral hepatitis: modern principles of diagnosis and treatment based on evidence-based medicine». Scientific and practical conference «Infectious diseases service of a large metropolis: achievements, problems and prospects», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city infectious hospital named after I. S. Zhekenova”, Almaty, 27 November 2017.
  16. Кurmаnоvа К.B. Oral presentation : «Neurobrucellosis: clinical aspects». Scientific and practical conference «Infectious diseases service of a large metropolis: achievements, problems and prospects», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city infectious hospital named after I. S. Zhekenova”, Almaty, 27 November 2017.
  17. Sаdykоvа А.М. Oral presentation : «Topical issues of diagnosis and treatment of acute intestinal infections based on the materials of CCIHn.a. I. S. Zhekenova». Scientific and practical conference «Infectious diseases service of a large metropolis: achievements, problems and prospects», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city infectious hospital named after I. S. Zhekenova”, Almaty, 27 November 2017.
  18. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Chronic pancreatitis: update of the international recommendations». Scientific and practical conference «Infectious diseases service of a large metropolis: achievements, problems and prospects», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city infectious hospital named after I. S. Zhekenova, Almaty, 27 November 2017.
  19. Shоpаyеvа G.А. Oral presentation : «Herpes virus infection: a contemporary look at diagnosis and treatment». Scientific and practical conference «Infectious diseases service of a large metropolis: achievements, problems and prospects», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city infectious hospital named after I. S. Zhekenova, Almaty, 27 November 2017.
  20. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation : «Serous meningitis of enterovirus etiologybased on the materials of CCIHn.a. I. S. Zhekenova». Scientific and practical conference «Infectious diseases service of a large metropolis: achievements, problems and prospects», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the city infectious hospital named after I. S. Zhekenova”, Almaty, 27 November 2017.
  21. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation : «Chronic viral hepatitis in Kazakhstan. Experience and prospects for the AVT». The first national conference on «Integrated control of combined TB/HIV infection. Improving access and commitment to antiretroviral therapy for people living with HIV», Almaty, 4-5.12.2017.
  22. DuisеnоvаА.К.Oral presentation : «Cystic liver echinococcosis: innovations in diagnosis and treatment”. Republican scientific-practical conference “Laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases”, Almaty, 7-8.12.2017.
  23. Bаyеkеyеvа К.Т.Oral presentation : «Modern tactics of diagnosis and treatment of helminthiasis». Republican scientific-practical conference «Laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases», Almaty, 7-8.12.2017.
  24. Sеydullаyеvа L.B. Oral presentation : «Malaria: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment». Republican scientific-practical conference «Laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases», Almaty, 7-8.12.2017.
  25. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation : «Giardiasis: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment». Republican scientific-practical conference «Laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases», Almaty, 7-8.12.2017.
  26. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation : «Zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis: epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics». Republican scientific-practical conference «Laboratory diagnostics of parasitic diseases», Almaty, 7-8.12.2017.
  27. DuisеnоvаА.К. Oral presentation : «Influenza and ARVI: current challenges and solutions». Scientific-practical conference, devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 76 – year anniversary of the clinical hospital No. 4 «Modern trends in medicine – a multidisciplinary approach», Almaty, 15.12.2017.
  28. DuisеnоvаА.К. Oral presentation : «The relevance of imported tropical diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan». International Scientific and practical conference «Parasitic and infectious diseases in the regional pathology of the Central Asian region», Samarkand 14-15.06.2018.


2018-2019 academic year

  1. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Meningococcal infection in Almaty: 2018 outbreak analysis», Scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of the southern regions of Kazakhstan», Shymkent 29-30.06.2018
  2. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Fulminant liver failure in acute viral hepatitis: successes and problems of therapy», Scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of the southern regions of Kazakhstan », Shymkent, 29-30.06.2018
  3. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Joint syndrome with brucellosis », Scientific and practical conference «Actual infections of the southern regions of Kazakhstan », Shymkent, 05-06.07.2018
  4. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Clinical aspects of influenza and SARS in the post-pandemic period», conference «Influenza – Public Health problem: recognition, prevention and treatment», Astana, 13-14.09.2018
  5. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «KazNMU experience in the implementation of CDC/CAR training materials on especially dangerous infections in the curriculum for infectious diseases», Seminar on the introduction of training materials CDC / CAR in the educational process of medical universities in Kazakhstan, Almaty, 04-05.10.2018
  6. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation «Methodological foundations of conducting practical classes on the topic of general education at different levels of training at a medical university using the example of CCHF», Seminar on the introduction of training materials CDC / CAR in the educational process of medical universities in Kazakhstan, Almaty, 04-05.10.2018
  7. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Infectious pathology and pregnancy», Scientific and practical conference «Modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of sepsis», Almaty, 03.10.2018
  8. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Fulminant hepatitis (with demonstration of clinical observations)», Symposium “Progressive disease of the liver and central nervous system: pathogenetic parallels”, Almaty, 12-13.10.2018
  9. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Influenza and SARS in pregnant women», Master class “Actual issues of immunomodulating therapy», Almaty, 19.10.2018
  10. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation «The clinical protocol for the diagnosis and treatment of leishmaniasis: skin form, visceral form», Regional training with the support of WHO, on current issues of leishmaniasis, Shymkent 28-29.11.2018
  11. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation «Clinical aspects of imported cases of leishmaniasis in Almaty», Regional training with the support of WHO, on current issues of leishmaniasis, Shymkent 28-29.11. 2018
  12. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Prevention PLHIV as a priority group for influenza vaccination», Third Scientific and practical conference «Innovative approaches to testing and treatment of HIV infection, changing priorities», Almaty, 06-07.12.2018
  13. Yegеmbеrdiyеvа R.A. Oral presentation «Clinical and epidemiological signs of CCHF in modern conditions», Seminar «Organization and implementation of measures to prevent the spread of hemorrhagic fevers in the Republic of Kazakhstan», Moscow, 01-03.04.2019
  14. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Clinical and epidemiological features of brucellosis in an endemic region», XI Annual All-Russian Congress on Infectious Diseases «Infectious diseases in the modern world: evolution, current and future threats», Bukhara, 08-09.04.2019
  15. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Influenza and SARS. Clinical protocol: modern tactics of diagnosis and treatment», XII Congress Man and Medicine – Kazakhstan «High Medical Therapeutic Technologies in Clinical Practice», Pavlodar, 12.04.2019
  16. Duisеnоvа А.К. Oral presentation «Viral hepatitis: international recommendations and what remains beyond the clinical protocols» XII Congress Man and medicine – Kazakhstan «High medical therapeutic technologies in clinical practice», Pavlodar, 12.04.2019

In July 2019, faculty members of the Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases gained access to the resources of BMJ – the British Medical Journal. Project Name: BMJ Best practice and BMJ learning.

BMJ Best practice – Clinical Decision Support Initiative (RCC).

BMJ learning – Interactive multimedia medical education online, presents more than 600 peer-reviewed modules in 70 specialties, including infectious diseases. Provides online learning opportunities that help healthcare professionals improve their knowledge.

The teaching staff of the department uses BMJ materials to conduct the educational process at all levels of specialist training: undergraduate, internship and residency. Patient-oriented training modules based on clinical cases are used.

The materials are presented in an interactive format, which includes text, images, animation, video and audio materials to cover all learning methods. Evaluating questions to verify learning outcomes. The data has been expertly evaluated and provided with links.

Thus, students have the opportunity to obtain modern knowledge on infectious diseases in Russian and English (MMF).