Publishing Activities

The Department of Psychiatry and Narcology published 14 textbooks, 14 monographs, 12 study guides, 5 teaching manuals, over 100 methodological recommendations and more than 1000 articles.

From them:


Type of the edition Type of the edition Type of the edition Type of the edition
1 2 3 4 5
1 Textbooks Psychiatry

Kudiyarova G.- Almaty, Kazakhstan, 304 p.

Kazakh language 1994
2 Psychiatry

Ilesheva R.G.- Almaty, Bilim – 256p.

Kazakh language 1995
3 Adolescent behavioral disorders
G. Kudiyarova – Almaty: Rauan, – 208p
Kazakh language 1996
4 Psychiatry
Zharbysynova B.B., Kudiyarova G.M. – Almaty: Kazakhstan, – page 277.
Kazakh language 2008
5 Narcology

Subkhanberdina A.S

Russian language 2009
6 “Psychiatry”

Zharikov N. M., Ursova L.G. Hritinin of F. Sarsembayev K.T.

Kazakh language 2010
7 Atlas “Human anatomy” 4 volume

Sarsembayev K.T.

Kazakh language 2011


8 Psychiatry

Kudyarova G. M., Dzharbusynova B. B.

Kazakh language 2011


9 Psychiatry for general practitioners Textbook/B.B. Dzharbusynova. – Almaty, – 284p. Russian language 2011
10 Psychiatry for general practitioners

Dzharbusynova B. B.,

Kudyarova G. M.

Kazakh language 2011


11 “Psychiatry in the form of test tasks” in Kazakh and Russian languages. Sarsembayev K.T. MD, professor Kazakh, Russian Evero publishing house, Almaty, 2012.
12 «Medical Psychology»
G. Kudiyarova, B. Zharbusynova. Medical Psychology: Textbook. Almaty: NGO “Aknur publishing house” – 2014.-248 pages.
Kazakh language 2014
13 Forensic Psychiatry
Kudyarov G.M., Dzharbusynova B.B. Almaty: “AKNUR publishing house” SP
Russian language 2015
14 Psychiatry

Zharikov N.M., Ursova L.G., Khritinin D.F., Sarsembayev K.T.

Textbook (in Kazakh language). Produced and Supplemented, 2nd Edition, Moscow, Proceedings of the “Littera”

Kazakh language 2016
1 2 3 4 5
1 Monographs “All about drug addiction in Kazakhstan” Altynbekov S.A Russian language г. Павлодар 2002г;
2 “Organization of drug treatment in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Altynbekov S.A. Russian language г. Караганда 2004г;
3 “Medical aspects of counteracting drug dependence in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Altynbekov S.A Russian language г. Павлодар 2006г;
4 “Neuroses. Pre-disease, dynamics, outcomes »(edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Professor N .M. Zharikov). Sarsembayev K.T., Lebedev M.A. Russian language Москва, изд-во “Медицина”,2007. – 192 с.
5 Modern system of palliative care in oncology. Tolstikova A.Yu. (co-author of the chapter and honorary editor) Russian language Алматы, 2017

-586 с.

The phenomenon of suicide: the clinical aspect in adolescence and young age. Nashkenova A.M. Russian language 2017г.
1.        2.        3.        4.        5.       
1 Teaching manuals Forensic psychiatry
Subkhanberdina A.S
Russian language 2003
2 Test tasks in psychiatry and narcology Sarsembayev K.T, MD, Professor

Almaty, Assem-Systems, -240 pp.

Kazakh, Russian 2006.
3 “Epidemiology of Mental Health” Russian language 2010
4 Zharbusynova, B.B.
Motivational therapy of addicts with psychoactive substances [Textbook]: Teaching-methodological approach. / KazNMU Asfendiyarov / B.B. Dzharbusynova- Almaty, – 90s.
Russian language 2010
5 “Mental Health” B.A. Shakhmetov Almaty, 152 p. Russian language 2012, 2014
6 Diagnosis and prevention of suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia. Jamantaeva M.Sh., Raspopova N.I. Tutorial. – Almaty, 2016.130p. Russian language 2016
7 Dementia in the elderly (diagnosis, therapy and prevention) Raspopova N.I. Russian language Алматы:

КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова, 2016-108 с.

8 Psychiatry and Narcology. A set of test tasks. Sarsembayev K.T, MD., Professor,

Moscow, Research Center “Litera”, 2016 – 304pp.

Kazakh, Russian 2016
9 Electronic textbook on the portal of distance learning KazNMU S.D. Asfendiyarov Neuroses (quantized training tests with assignments in a test form) Sarsembaev K.T. Russian language Алматы, 2016
10 Dangerous behavior of patients with schizophrenia. Teaching manual. Raspopova N.I., Jamantayeva M. Sh. English language Almaty, (confirmed at the session of КОП, protocol №4 from 10.01.2017г.). – 90p.
11 Anxiety-depressive disorders in psychiatry and general clinical practice. Raspopova N.I. Russian language Almaty, 2017
12 Mental health. Shakhmetov B.A. Kazakh language Almaty, 2017 – 114p.
1.        2.        3.        4.        5.       
1 Studymethodical guides Test tasks from psychiatry and narcology: Teaching manuals / KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov / K.T. Sarsembayev- Almaty: Asem-system, – 240b. Kazakh language 2006
2 “Mental health, protection and strengthening” – 97p. Russian language 2007
3 “Motivational therapy of dependent PEAHENS” author professor Dzharbusynova B. B. Russian language 2010
4 Epidemiology of mental health (theoretical aspect)
By B.B. Dzharbusynova.- methodology- Almaty, – 80s.
Russian language 2010
5 “Depressions of mental, narcological practice” Bespalovа L.Yu. associate professor. Russian language 2012.
6 Reactions to stress and adaptation disorders [Text]: Study-methodical guide/ L.Yu. Bespalova .- Almaty, – 107s. Russian language 2013.
1.        2.        3.        4.        5.       
1 Methodological recommendations Clinical and epidemiological studies of organic mental disorders in the Republic of Kazakhstan Russian language 2004
2 The use of lucetam (pyracetam) in the treatment of organic mental disorders Russian language 2005


Bipolar affective disorder: modern understanding and approaches to therapy Russian language 2007


4 Depression in later life: a clinic and approaches to therapy. // Guidelines Russian language 2008
5 Quetiapine (seroquel): modern approaches to the treatment of schizophrenia (analytical review) Russian language 2010
6 Suicidal behavior of servicemen (analytical review) Russian language 2013