The Department of Psychiatry and Narcology published 14 textbooks, 14 monographs, 12 study guides, 5 teaching manuals, over 100 methodological recommendations and more than 1000 articles.
From them:
п/п |
Type of the edition | Type of the edition | Type of the edition | Type of the edition |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | Textbooks | Psychiatry
Kudiyarova G.- Almaty, Kazakhstan, 304 p. |
Kazakh language | 1994 |
2 | Psychiatry
Ilesheva R.G.- Almaty, Bilim – 256p. |
Kazakh language | 1995 | |
3 | Adolescent behavioral disorders G. Kudiyarova – Almaty: Rauan, – 208p |
Kazakh language | 1996 | |
4 | Psychiatry Zharbysynova B.B., Kudiyarova G.M. – Almaty: Kazakhstan, – page 277. |
Kazakh language | 2008 | |
5 | Narcology
Subkhanberdina A.S |
Russian language | 2009 | |
6 | “Psychiatry”
Zharikov N. M., Ursova L.G. Hritinin of F. Sarsembayev K.T. |
Kazakh language | 2010 | |
7 | Atlas “Human anatomy” 4 volume
Sarsembayev K.T. |
Kazakh language | 2011
8 | Psychiatry
Kudyarova G. M., Dzharbusynova B. B. |
Kazakh language | 2011
9 | Psychiatry for general practitioners Textbook/B.B. Dzharbusynova. – Almaty, – 284p. | Russian language | 2011 | |
10 | Psychiatry for general practitioners
Dzharbusynova B. B., Kudyarova G. M. |
Kazakh language | 2011
11 | “Psychiatry in the form of test tasks” in Kazakh and Russian languages. Sarsembayev K.T. MD, professor | Kazakh, Russian | Evero publishing house, Almaty, 2012. | |
12 | «Medical Psychology» G. Kudiyarova, B. Zharbusynova. Medical Psychology: Textbook. Almaty: NGO “Aknur publishing house” – 2014.-248 pages. |
Kazakh language | 2014 | |
13 | Forensic Psychiatry Kudyarov G.M., Dzharbusynova B.B. Almaty: “AKNUR publishing house” SP |
Russian language | 2015 | |
14 | Psychiatry
Zharikov N.M., Ursova L.G., Khritinin D.F., Sarsembayev K.T. Textbook (in Kazakh language). Produced and Supplemented, 2nd Edition, Moscow, Proceedings of the “Littera” |
Kazakh language | 2016 | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | Monographs | “All about drug addiction in Kazakhstan” Altynbekov S.A | Russian language | г. Павлодар 2002г; |
2 | “Organization of drug treatment in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Altynbekov S.A. | Russian language | г. Караганда 2004г; | |
3 | “Medical aspects of counteracting drug dependence in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Altynbekov S.A | Russian language | г. Павлодар 2006г; | |
4 | “Neuroses. Pre-disease, dynamics, outcomes »(edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Professor N .M. Zharikov). Sarsembayev K.T., Lebedev M.A. | Russian language | Москва, изд-во “Медицина”,2007. – 192 с. | |
5 | Modern system of palliative care in oncology. Tolstikova A.Yu. (co-author of the chapter and honorary editor) | Russian language | Алматы, 2017
-586 с. |
The phenomenon of suicide: the clinical aspect in adolescence and young age. Nashkenova A.M. | Russian language | 2017г. | ||
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. |
1 | Teaching manuals | Forensic psychiatry Subkhanberdina A.S |
Russian language | 2003 |
2 | Test tasks in psychiatry and narcology Sarsembayev K.T, MD, Professor
Almaty, Assem-Systems, -240 pp. |
Kazakh, Russian | 2006. | |
3 | “Epidemiology of Mental Health” | Russian language | 2010 | |
4 | Zharbusynova, B.B. Motivational therapy of addicts with psychoactive substances [Textbook]: Teaching-methodological approach. / KazNMU Asfendiyarov / B.B. Dzharbusynova- Almaty, – 90s. |
Russian language | 2010 | |
5 | “Mental Health” B.A. Shakhmetov Almaty, 152 p. | Russian language | 2012, 2014 | |
6 | Diagnosis and prevention of suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia. Jamantaeva M.Sh., Raspopova N.I. Tutorial. – Almaty, 2016.130p. | Russian language | 2016 | |
7 | Dementia in the elderly (diagnosis, therapy and prevention) Raspopova N.I. | Russian language | Алматы:
КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова, 2016-108 с. |
8 | Psychiatry and Narcology. A set of test tasks. Sarsembayev K.T, MD., Professor,
Moscow, Research Center “Litera”, 2016 – 304pp. |
Kazakh, Russian | 2016 | |
9 | Electronic textbook on the portal of distance learning KazNMU S.D. Asfendiyarov | Neuroses (quantized training tests with assignments in a test form) Sarsembaev K.T. | Russian language | Алматы, 2016 |
10 | Dangerous behavior of patients with schizophrenia. Teaching manual. Raspopova N.I., Jamantayeva M. Sh. | English language | Almaty, (confirmed at the session of КОП, protocol №4 from 10.01.2017г.). – 90p. | |
11 | Anxiety-depressive disorders in psychiatry and general clinical practice. Raspopova N.I. | Russian language | Almaty, 2017 | |
12 | Mental health. Shakhmetov B.A. | Kazakh language | Almaty, 2017 – 114p. | |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. |
1 | Study–methodical guides | Test tasks from psychiatry and narcology: Teaching manuals / KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov / K.T. Sarsembayev- Almaty: Asem-system, – 240b. | Kazakh language | 2006 |
2 | “Mental health, protection and strengthening” – 97p. | Russian language | 2007 | |
3 | “Motivational therapy of dependent PEAHENS” author professor Dzharbusynova B. B. | Russian language | 2010 | |
4 | Epidemiology of mental health (theoretical aspect) By B.B. Dzharbusynova.- methodology- Almaty, – 80s. |
Russian language | 2010 | |
5 | “Depressions of mental, narcological practice” Bespalovа L.Yu. associate professor. | Russian language | 2012. | |
6 | Reactions to stress and adaptation disorders [Text]: Study-methodical guide/ L.Yu. Bespalova .- Almaty, – 107s. | Russian language | 2013. | |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. |
1 | Methodological recommendations | Clinical and epidemiological studies of organic mental disorders in the Republic of Kazakhstan | Russian language | 2004 |
2 | The use of lucetam (pyracetam) in the treatment of organic mental disorders | Russian language | 2005 | |
3 |
Bipolar affective disorder: modern understanding and approaches to therapy | Russian language | 2007
4 | Depression in later life: a clinic and approaches to therapy. // Guidelines | Russian language | 2008 | |
5 | Quetiapine (seroquel): modern approaches to the treatment of schizophrenia (analytical review) | Russian language | 2010 | |
6 | Suicidal behavior of servicemen (analytical review) | Russian language | 2013 |