History of the Department
Department of General Surgery was organized by the Kazakh State Medical Institute in 1934. The first head of the department was elected Professor A. Syzganov.
1934-1963 years –Head of the Department Professor Alexander Syzganov Nikolaevich.
1963-1971 years –Head of the Department Professor Chuvakov Kozhakhmet Kozhakovich.
1971-1981 –Head of the Department of General Surgery Medical Faculty Professor Chuvakov Kozhakhmet Kozhakovich.
1971-1985 years –Head of the Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Pediatrics Professor Dairov Almagambet Bekishevich.
1981 – Association of the Departments of General Surgery, medical and pediatric faculties.
1985-1988 –headof the Department Professor Valentin Golovachev Lukich.
1988-2009 –Head of the Department Professor Durmanov Kalybai Durmanovich.
From 2009 to 2011 — ActingHead’s of the Department duties docent Kapanova Gulnar Zhambaevna.
From September 2011 to April 2012 Professor J.N. Kyzhyrov served as Headof theDepartment.
From April 2012 to the presentProfessorMukanov Marat Umirbekovich is Head of the Department of General Surgery.
Since 2010, the course of anesthesiology and critical care medicine was separated from the department and transformed into an independent department.
Suleimenov Argyn Argynovich, later professor, director of the Institute of Oncology; Idrisov Akram Salimovich later Professor, Head of the Oncology Department ofASMRI (Almaty state medical refresher institute ) ; Kassenov Toleutai Sarmantaevich, later professor of the department of general surgery ,- in different years worked at the department.
Today’sDepartment is a great team of professionals engaged in research and educational process, actively participating in the life of the university and providing professional medical and diagnostic aid to practical health care.
Department of General Surgery was organized by the Kazakh State Medical Institute in 1934. The first headof the department was elected Professor A. Syzganov.
Syzganov Alexander Nikolaevich (1896-1980)
1934-1963 years. –Head of the Department of General Surgery.
The surgeon-clinician, academician of the Kazakh SSR (1954), Doctor of Medical Science (1936), Professor (1934), Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1941).
He graduated from Kazan University (1922).
Assistant, Associate Professor of the Kazan Medical Institute (1922-1934), head of the surgical clinic of the Kazakh Medical Institute (1934-1945), director of the blood transfusion station (1941-1945), director of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Surgery of the Kazakh SSR (1945-1980).
He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of the «Badge of Honor» and medals.
Developed health problems in goitrous epidemic, oncology, blood transfusion, tuberculosis of the lymphatic system, injuries and surgical treatment of heart, blood vessels and lungs. He has created a scientific school of surgeons clinicians in Kazakhstan, the technique of operations on the heart. He is one of the organizers of the National Oncology Center. During the war, he organized the republican blood transfusion station, where he was received Kazakh blood substitute — «KBS». His name is the Republic of Kazakhstan Scientific Surgery Center.
The main scientific works:
Some conditions for the development of malignant tumors. Alma-Ata, 1970.
Methods of application of salicylic acid and iodine in the treatment of purulent surgical diseases.Alma-Ata, 1977. (co-author).
Chuvakov Kozhakhmet Kozhakovich
1963-1971 — Headof the Department of General Surgery.
The surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences (1941), Professor,
Honoured Doctor of the Kazakh SSR (1960), Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR (1964).
He graduated from the Kazakh State Medical Institute in Alma-Ata in 1936.
In 1961 he defended his doctoral thesis on «Materials for the saturnismcharacterization.»
He worked in practical healthcare (1936-1945), as the assistant at the department of surgery KazMMI (1945-1947), Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Surgery, Rector and Head of the Department in SSMI (1956-1963). He headed the department of general surgery ASMI (1963-1981).
He is the author of 97 scientific papers and 4 monographs on issues of injuries and surgeries.
He prepared 15 candidates and 1 doctor of medical sciences. He headed the Department of General Surgery Medical Faculty of ASMI (1963-1981).
He awarded the «October Revolution», «Red Banner of Labor», «Badge of Honor» and three medals.
Dairov Almagambet Bekishevich
1971-1985 years. –Head of the Department of General Surgery
Golovachev Valentin Lukich
1985-1988 years. –Head of the Department of General Surgery
During these years, the directions of the department were proctology and surgery of the colon. The author of the monograph «The colonic stasis»
1988-2009- headof the Department of General Surgery
He graduated ASMI in 1967.
In 1973 — PhD thesis: «On the question of the laser beamstreatment ofcancer and precancerous lesions of the skin and lips.» In 1987 — a doctoral thesis on «Comprehensive laser beams treatment of chronic osteitis «.
Under his leadership,the priority research area of the prevention of complications during surgery in patients living in environmentally unfriendly area of Kazakhstan (Aral Sea and the Aral Sea region) was being developed.
It was defended 2 doctoral and 20 candidate dissertations under the guidance of prof. Durmanov K.D.
He is author of over 150 scientific papers, 5 patents.
In 2005 the textbook «General surgery»was published.
Professor K.D.Durmanov is the highly qualified specialist in the field of oncology and surgery; he completed more than 5 thousand operations on the thoracic and abdominal cavities. He is one of the pioneers in the use of laser beams during various operations.
Mukanov Marat Umirbekovich
Since 2012 till present time- Head of the Department of General Surgery
In 1979 he graduated from Karaganda State Medical Institute.
In 1979-1994 he was surgeon, head of the department of city hospital in Zhezkazgan.
1988 — PhD thesis on «Surgical treatment of pancreas false cysts and omentobursits» in the dissertation council the RK SCS of A.N. Syzganov.
1994-2008 Doctoral Student, Professor of Department of ASMI Surgery Hospital. 1997 — Doctoral thesis on «Acute adhesive intestinal obstruction due to visceroparietal adhesions» (Moscow).
2008 — 2012 years — Professor of post-graduate training (internship) at surgery.
In 2010 — Director of the academic department of surgery; Chairman of the Scientific Planning Problem Commission of surgical disciplines of the University, a member of the Academic Council of the University, Committee of the educational programs, of themethodical commission Board.
Since March 2012 is elected as the head of the department of general surgeryby the contest, and who is at present.
Author of over 150 scientific publications, including teaching recommendations, monograph «Acute adhesive intestinal obstruction», Kazakh-Russian dictionary for practitioners, training manual «Practical skills for surgeons», executive editor of the textbook «General Surgery» GEOTAR Media «, 2014. Under the leadership he defended 1 doctoral thesis. He has more than 50 inventor’s certificates. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Syzganov Scientific Center of Surgery, was awarded the «Gold Medal» for his services and contribution to the surgery. (April 2015).
The collective of department
- At the Department of General Surgery are currently working 17 staff, among them:
- 2 professors
- 5 docents
- 10 assistants
- MD 1 and 6 candidates of medical sciences.
The model of professional competence of the KazNMU graduate (decision of the Academic Council of 24.11.2009)
Basic-Key competences:
⦿cognitive competences (knowledge)
⦿an operational competence (skills)
⦿axiological competence (communication skills)
⦿legal competence
⦿ competence of the continuous self-development.
Research project
Employees of the department of general surgery published 106 scientific articles in medical journalsover the last 5 years, including 12 articles were published in abroad. Employees of the department are the authors of more than 100 inventions, many of which are new to the practical implementation of health care.
Publishing Activities
There were:
— 5 monographs
— 2 textbooks
— 8 training manuals
published over the last 5 years.
Clinical activities
As the clinical bases of the department in different years were CCCH: City Clinical Hospital №7 (CCH №7- Kalkaman), Almaty Regional Multi-Field Hospital (AMFСH), Medical and Diagnostic Centre (MDC).
Educational activities
- There is tutor work, Curation of groups of students on 3-5 courses on the department of general surgery. The main theme of the educational work is the patriotic education of youth and anti-corruption propaganda.